(See also "CRAMPS")
Magnesia Phos
An excellent remedy for writer's cramps when due to long use of hands and fingers and chorea when there is relief by heat. Give in 1 M dilution.Gelseminm
Head remedy for cramps, trembling of hands. Lack of power of muscular control. Cramps in the muscles of fore-arm.Rhus Tox
Fingers stiff, pain more in the tendons than in muscles. Better from rest (except the stiffness) and dry warmth, liike heat of electric pad.Aconite N
Paralytic weakness of the arm and hand especially when writing. Tingling in the ringers when writing.Cuprum Met
Jerking and twitching of muscles. Coldness of hands. Cramps in palms, great weariness of limbs.Stramonium
Weakness of the fingers with slight cramping.Actea R
Trembling of fingers when writing.Zincum Phos
This should be tried when all other remedies have failed. Cramping of the fingers in patients suffering from paresis with the beginning of degeneration of the brain.Muriatic Acid
Spasmodic pain like cramp on the ball of the right thumb when writing. It goes off when moving the thumb.Sulphuric Acid
Writer's Cramp, tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries. Lead poisoning.Ferrum Iodatum
An excellent remedy for writer's cramp.
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