Everything including water tastes bitter.Bryonia, Natrum Mur, Pulsatilla
When food tastes bitter. May by tried in the given order, unless other symptoms of a particular remedy exist.Aconite N
Everything except water tastes bitter.Kreosotum
Food tastes bitter after drinking.Carbo Veg
Bitter taste before eating.Cyclamen
Saltish taste. Taste diminished or perverted.Camphor
Increased taste of all food.Veratrum Vir
Water tastes sweet. Aversion to sweets.Merc. Sol
Bread tastes sweet.Cup. Met
Metallic taste, slimy and sweetish,Rhus Tox
Taste sour, metallic and greasy.Nux Vom
Taste bad, sour with all sorts of variations. Milk tastes disgusting as if spoiled.Bovista
Taste of blood.Lycopodinm
Everything tastes sour.Natrum Mar
Taste of food remains long after eating. Saltish taste.Capsicum
Taste foul like putrid water. A pungent offensive taste in the mouth when coughing.Hydrastis
Food tastes strangely. Taste remains long after eating.Iodium
Bad taste as of soap. Taste salty at the tip of the tongue. It may be sweetish or salty.Cocculus
Sweetish metallic taste with constant desire to spit.Medorrhinum
Coppery taste with tongue coated; blisters on inner surface of the cheeks and lips.Mercurius
Taste salty, sweet, metallic, slimy or of rotten eggs.Pulsatilla
Taste as of putrid flesh with inclination to vomit; burnt taste in the mouth; bitter. Diminished taste of all food.Stramonium
Taste bitter; all food tastes bitter. There may be loss of taste.Verajrum Alb
Want of taste in mouth. Tasteless saliva. Excessive thirst during perspiration.
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