Apis Mel
Head remedy for albumin in urine. During pregnancy. In scarlatina, duiring desquamation.Eupatorium Perf
Albumin in uriine with dropsy.Helleborus
Urine scanty with allbumin and dropsical swelling of the whole body.Glonoine
Tubal nephritis, with headache, brought on by walking in the sun; nunnbness in arms and hands alternating with intense tingling. Increased secretion of albuminous urine: has to risse freqently during the night.Kali Chlor
Nephritis. Haermaturia; urine containing albumin, casts. Frequent miicturation.Chimaphila Umbellata
Albunimuria, haematuria, from long lasting gonorrhea. Urine scanty, dark fetid, thick with copious sediment–mucus.Ferrum Iod
Albuminuria with oedema in drinkers. Urine with milky sediments and sweet smelling.Merc. Sol
Albuminuria with scanty urine and thirstlessness; liking for cold drinks but susceptible to it. Swollen face looks like a balloon.Enonyminum
Dissolve two grains of IX trituration in half a tumbler of water and give a spoonful every hour. It cures dropsy with albumin in urine.Colchicum
Albumin in urine which becomes black like ink.Acid Phos
Albumin in urine during or after typhoid.Terebinth
After scarlatina. Urine contains blood, albumin, but few casts, if any. Urine with violet odour, dark, cloudy and smoky.Medorrhinum
Albuminous urine with hyaline casts when the patient is waxy, oedema of feet and ankles and tenderness of soles.Mercurius Cor
Albuminuria in early pregnancy.Phosphorus
Late and at full term of pregnancy.Lac. Defl
For advanced albuminuria following intermittent fever.ALKALINE:
In typhus.Cantharis
In catarrh of bladder.Natrum Mur
With red sediments.BLACK:
Like ink after scarlet fever, in dropsy and in nephritis (inflammation of kidneys).Lachesis
Urine almost black, dark red, with oedema, after scarlet fever.Terebinth
With coffee ground sediments in liver complaint.Acid Carbolic
Urine dark, black or blackish; olive green or grassy green. Blood
(See "bright's disease"):
Urine like beer in meningitis due to injury to the head.Ars. Alb
Like thick beer in typhus.Sepia
Dark admixture.Leptendra
In derangements of liver.Benzoic Acid
In vesical catarrh. Urine highly coloured* offensive, smells like horse's urine, thick and dark.Helleborus
Like coffee grounds.Apis Mel
Urine like coffee grounds in ascites.CASTS:
Casts cylindrical. Shreds of uriniferous tubule.Phosphorus
Fatty or waxy casts.Merc. Cor
Granular fatty tubule in large numbers, showing on their surface epithelial cells of tubule uriniferi, also in state of granular fatty degeneration.Terebinth
Cylindrical coagula (albuminuria).COLD:
Nitric acid
When the urine is cold to touch. He feels it cold when passing.FATTY:
Cor. Urine contains fatty globules.GREENISH:
Carbolic Acid
Urine greenish and smoky with involuntary discharge of mucus from the anus when passing urine which is grassy green.Chelidonium
When due to derangements of liver.INDICAN:
Presence of indican in urine.Milky (White):
Milky urine or acrid turbid or yellowish green and corrosive.Lilium Tigrinum
Urine milky in morning; clear and white; like boiling oil; strong swelling; phosphatic; copious; sediments white or red.Acid Phos
As if stirred up with chalk; like chalk and water mixed or like buttermilk.Phosphorus,
tike curdled milk with brick dust sediments and variegated cuticle.Colocynth
Like milk on cooling. In diabetes.Spongia
Greyish white.Apis Mel
In acute hydrocephalus or meningitis infantum. After erysipelatous eruptions.Aurum Met
Like butter milk,Agaricus
Urine milky in the afternoon.MUCUS:
Merc. Cor
Urine mixed with filaments, afterwards thick and cloudy; fishlike pieces in urine.Pareira
Thick viscid urine.Chimaphila
Ropy thick urine with sediments copious in dysuria; sediment muco-purulent.Acid Bcnzoic
Urine mixed with phosphates in sediment (vesical catarrh). Enlargement of prostate.Odour
(See "smell" under "urine")
Hepar Sulph
Greasy pelliclesCoca
Oily film in phthisis pulmonalis.Calcarea Carb
Urine like oil in children.Sumbul
Oily pellicles in urine.OXLATE OF LIME:
Oxalic Acid
Head remedy for oxalates in urine.Causticum
Oxalates present in abundance.Terebinth
Oxalates present along with albumin in urine.PHOSPHATES:
Ammonium and magnesium phosphates in excess.Acid Phos
Urine earthy, loaded with phosphates, in, typhoid, in Bright's disease.Magnesia Phos
Deficiency or excess of phosphates in urine.Acid Nitric
Urine bloody and albuminous. Phosphatic urine-Cold on passing. Smells like horse's urine.Pus
(See "bright's disease")
When urine is red.SCANTY:
Scanty with albumin and dropsical swelling of the whole body. After scarlet fever.Apis M
In ascites (dropsy of the abdomen).Crocus Sat
In cerebral disturbances (brain affections).Aconite N
Urine dark in asthma. In rheumatic.Stramonium
In delirium tremens.Argentina Nit
In prolapsus uteri.Digitalis
In cardiac dropsy.Caladium,
In evening, in impotency.Merc. Sol
In feeble stream.Lachesis
With oedema after scarlatina.Baptisia
In typhus.Calcarea Ars
Scanty, burning urine, contains albumin and casts. Pain in spermatic cord after exertion and after drinking water.SEDIMENTS:
Brick dust; in meningitis, red powdery, yellowish pasty deposits. White adhesive film.Lycopodium. Red
sand deposits in urine in renal colic or otherwise.Tarentula H
Brick dust in paralysis agitans.Mephites
Brick dust in asthma.Causticum
Brick dust in bronchitis.Aesculus Hip
Brick dust of dark brown colour.Apis Mel
Brick dust like coffee grounds.Sarsaparilla
White sand in urine.Selenium
Whitish claylike sediments. Silvery white sediments.Berberis Vul
Thick reddish or mahogany coloured dust with floating jelly-like flocks. Pain in the renal region which extends to ureters and bladder.Natrum Mur
Thick muddy urine with sediments and nasty smell. Dirty looking complexion, emaciation and frontal headache.Copaiva
Sediments abundant, in bronchial and vesical catarrh.Phosphorus
Odoriferous urine, with red and brown sediments, Nervy type affected by storm and noises; easily startled; earthy complexion.Cantharis
Soreness in the region of kidneys, cutting pain which extends to urethra and bladder. Urine scanty, dark coloured sediment looking like old mortar or reddish brick dust.Aurum Met
Urine thick which is cloudy and very fetid with perspiration.Ledum P
Red sand in urine with burning in the uerthra after urinating.SMELL:
offensive and sour urine; cannot be tolerated in room.Nitric Acid
Urine smells like that of horse. Strong smelling. Worse by warmth.Lachesis
Ammoniacal in gastric and nervous fever.Coca
Ammoniacal smell in checked gonorrhoea.Absinthium
Strong smell in urine like horse's. Orange colour. Constant desire to urinate.Moschus
Ammoniacal smell without any other symptoms being present.Cajuputam
Urine smells like cat's urine. Flatulent colic.Baptisia
Smell of rotten eggs in urine. Fetid smell in typhoid fever.Benzoic Acid
Highly concentrated urine with smell like that of horse's urine. Offensive. Putrid. Very dark.Baryta Mur
Offensive urine in glandular swelling.Borax
Hot urine with pungent smell.Osmium
Urine smelling like violets.Indigo
Horribly offensive after standing for a short time.Ferrum Iod
Sweet–smelling urine.SPECIFIC GRAVITY:
Uranium Nit
Specific gravity high, ranging from 1040 to 1044.Terebinth
Specific gravity 1018 in Bright's disease.Plumbum
Specific gravity low–1002; also when it is 1016 and 1017.Brachyglottis
For specific gravity 1004, 1008, 1020, 1023, 1024 and 1034.Arnica M
Specific gravity high.Sanicula
Specific gravity 1000 with polyuria.URATES:
Thlaspi B
Diseases resulting from urates in urine.Natrum Sulph
Uric acid in urine with gastric and rheumatic troubles.Sepia
Lactate of urea increases in functional derangement of liver, with prostatitis.Pulsatilla
Urates of ammonia showing a wasted hectic condition.Benzoic Acid
Uric acid with urine highly coloured and very offensive with gouty symptoms. Renal insufficiency.
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