(See also "ERUPTIONS")
Eczema with intense burning and itching, aggravated by washing or scratching. The skin is rough and coarse, dry and scaly. Fiery redness of all the orifices, eyelids, ears etc. Very offensive odour from the body. Sinking at the pit of the stomach. Hands and head hot. Aggravation or irritation from heat of bed covers, pillows etc. Eczema caused by hair dyes. The patient is usually dirty and untidy.Graphites
Eczema weeping. Sticky honey-like fluid comes out on scratching. Eczema on hands, face, lips and behind the ears and skin sore and hard after rubbing. Worse by warmth and at night. Give lower dilutions six times daily in acute cases and higher dilution say 200 or 1000, in chronic cases, repeated every week or every month respectively. The discharge is gluey, sticky and viscid.Rhus Tox
Dry eczema with redness and swelling, intolerable itching and burning which is worse by warmth. Eczema on scalp in infants. Eruptions more or less vesicular with thin watery and dark coloured offensive secretion; tend to form into scales. Vesicles inclined to suppurate. Give in 200 or 1000 potency; the former every week and the latter every month.Urtica Urens
In acute cases when there is burning and itching,Bovista
Eczema on the back of hand. Baker's eczema. Moist eczema in the bends of the knees, appearing during the full moon. Frequently in women who suffer from dysmenorrhoea.Kali Bich
Eczema of the scalp with thick heavy crusts from which oozes a yellow, thick, gluey substance.Alumina
Dry, very irritable eczema with constipation.Skookum Chuck
Eczema, urticaria, itch etc.Cicuta V
Eczema on hairy parts. Pustules run together; suppurating eczema which dries into hard crusts and becomes solid like a cap.Psorinum
Eczema dry and scaly on the scalp and face, crusts over the scalp, the hair fall out, the oozing lifts up the crusts and exposes new vesicles—worse at night and from the warmth of the bed. Patient is low spirited, despondent and unhopeful. Discharges thin, fetid, excoriating, offensive like decomposed meat; nauseating sickening odour from the oozing fluid. This is just the opposite of general symptoms of Psorinum which is worse by cold.Natrum Sulph
Breathing and skin symptoms often met with asthma.Manganum
Skin will not heal. Slight scratches ulcerate.Anantherum
Ulcers on scalp, penis; vulva.Hepar Sul
Moist eruptions in folds of skin with itching on bends of joints. Skin suppurates easily and pimples form, all due to handling mercury or zinc. Sensitiveness to touch, worse in dry cold winds. Better in damp weather and in warmth.Petroleum
Has yellowish green thick crusts on the face and neck which discharge profusely. It cures eczema with bloody cracks but little or no discharge, Eczema dry, scaly or moist disappearing in summer and reappearing in winter or cold weather. Eczema and fissures occurring on the hands or behind the ears. The discharge is thin and watery.Streptococcin
Repeated recurrence of eczema with bleeding cracks, the patient feels pleasure in scratching. Give in IM or CM dilution.Mezereum
Intolerable itching, worse in bed and from touch; copious, serous exudation. The head is covered with thick leather like crusts, under which thick and white pus collects, hair are glued and matted together. Pus becomes offensive after a time and breeds vermin. Eczema on hairy parts.Luna
Skin diseases, eczema etc. which are worse at full moon.Calcarea Carb
Violent itch at all times, worse towards morning in bed. Sensation as if she is wearing cold damp stockings. Liable to suffer from chilblains. Eczema in children possessing Cal. Carb. constitution. Give in 200 potency.Tellurium
Itching of hands and feet. Herpetic eruption, ring shaped lesions with offensive discharge. Barber's itch. Stinging skin, Eczema on back of ears and on occiput. Offensive footsweat.Lycopodium
Eczema about and behind ears.Calcarea Sulph
Dry eczema in children. Yellow purulent crusts and scales. Little pimples on the hair which bleed when scratched.Arsenic Album
Eczema with burning and restlessness. Itching, burning and swelling which is worse from cold and scratching. Dry rough scaly skin. Better from heat and warm drinks. Exhaustion after slight exertion. Eczema between the fingers and cracks on the tip of fingers. Scaly eruptions on scalp and face with acrid and even fetid discharge, intense burning and itching.Anlim. Crud
Eczema with gastric derangements. Sensitive to cold bathing. Itching when warm in bed, thick hard and honey coloured scales. Much burning, worse at night.Kali Sulph
Vesicles filled with yellow pus which is like thin fluid. Copious on inside of hands and fingers. Lips cracked. Craves for sweets which aggravate.Ranunculus B
Eczema with thickening of the skin and formalion of hard horny scales.Staphisagria
Eczema, yellow acrid fluid oozes from under the crusts; new vesicles form from the contact of exudation; humid itching, fetid eruptions on head and behind ears. Scratching changes the place of itching but increases oozing.Natrum Mur
Eczema on hair margins especially at the back of head.Mancinella
Dermatitis with excessive vesiculation. Oozing sticky serum and formation of crusts. Heavy brown crusts and scales.Clematis
Vesicular and pustular eczema, with purulent or watery secretion followed by formation of scales and crusts which are inflamed during the increasing and dry during the decreasing of the moon; dark rough and firmly adhering crusts upon the scalp with excoriating yellowish discharge. Itching worse by warmth of bed and from washing.Colchicum
Eczema rubrum in old people, beer or wine drinkers with a marked uric or lithic condition of the system.Agaricus M
Eczema with burning, biting and extreme itching; pricking as from needles; electric-like stiches in the skin; small nodules deep in the skin. Eczema worse in winter and accompanied with chilblains.Thuja
Sycotic patients. Eczema after suppression of gonorrhoea or following vaccination. Dirty brown skin, covered with itching vesicles. Suppression of eczema by injections or when eczema is due to vaccination.X Ray
Deep cracks and fissures in the hands and feet, knees and extensor surface of the joints; very deep fissures. Dark blue eruptions resembling a burn. Skin dry; scaly, cracked, much swelling of the part. It also antidotes abuse of sulphur.Tuberculinum
As an intercurrent remedy when well selected remedies fail. The patient is despondent and morose, takes cold easily. Fiery red skin with rawness and soreness. Eczema over the entire body, itching worse at night, intense when undressing.Gunpowder
Is a great anti-psoric remedy and a great blood purifier. It helps to clear up many skin troubles. It should be given for a long time in 3X potency.
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