Small Pox
It is an excellent remedy as curative as well as. preventive. A dose of this should be given at the commencement of the treatment. The normal treatment with other remedies should be started 24 hours after. For prevention of the disease the medicine should be given once a week in 200 dilution. It is never to be below 200. It cures disfigurement of the face left by small pox. Giye one dose of 200 potency every week, three or four doses along with other indicated remedies. No other medicine to be given on the day Variolinum is administered.Bryonia
First stage remedy with high fever and great thirst. The eruptions are slow to appear. All symptoms are worse by motion.Antim Tart
It is said to have moderated the entire course of the disease. Normally it is to be given in the second stage when the pustules have formed.Thuja
In eruptive stage with milky, flat, painful, offensive pustules upon a dark inflamed area. Especially suitable in sycotic patient.Sarracenia
It is an excellent remedy for small-pox. It can be given in any stage. It not only cuts short the period of incubation, but also stops pitting. It is said to have proved successful as curative as well as preventive.Veratrum Vir
Pulse full and rapid, headache worse on the back of head, fever with perspiration with head hot and extremities cold.Malandrinum
It is another preventive for small-pox. Ill-effects of vaccination. Skin remains rough, unhealthy, dry after vaccination. If given along with vaccination, the vaccination will not take.Mercurius
Is to be given when the glands, especially the parotid glands are involved. Profuse saliva and greenish mucus stools are the ranking symptoms. This will also prevent pitting.Cuprum Acet
Small pox with accelerated pulse; cramping spasms in the chest: difficult breathing; prostration: loss of appetite; face red and swollen; delirious; cramps in the calves; eruptions consisting of spots of different sizes.Belladonna
Throbbing headache, purplish face, dry throat, full bounding pulse. Child wants the head to be held and tied very tightly by cloth.Phosphorus
When there is complication of pneumonia or with marked hacmorrhagic feature or both. Bright red blood from lungs which is so severe as would induce fainting and exhausion. Bleeding from small points or individual pocks.Hamamelis
Haemorrhagic variety of small pox with dark oozing, bleeding from the gums, nose, rectum and genital organs.Acid Nitric
Haemorrhage from bowels and violent bleeding from nose. The blood is bright and hot.Muriatic. Acid
Last stage of the disease where the perspiration is excessive and the patient is in a sunken, exhausted and collapsed condition. Patient loses control of his functions as a result of disorganization of the blood.Lachesis
Best suited for putrid types of the disease with general exhaustion, stupor and blood dis-organization.Hepar Sulph
This remedy is used to hasten the suppuration of diseased glands or abscesses.
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