Bothrops lanceolatus syn. Lachesis lanceolatus
Common Name(s)
Yellow pit viper, fer-de-lance.
Found from Mexico to Brazil and on many West Indian islands.
The name fer-de-lance derives from this snake's flat, lance-shaped mouth. A bite from the snake causes immediate swelling and intense pain.
Fresh venom is triturated with lactose sugar.
Yellow pit viper, fer-de-lance.
Found from Mexico to Brazil and on many West Indian islands.
The name fer-de-lance derives from this snake's flat, lance-shaped mouth. A bite from the snake causes immediate swelling and intense pain.
Fresh venom is triturated with lactose sugar.
Remedy profile
People who crave attention, have a strong desire to appear attractive, and possibly the feeling that they have been forsaken by others are most suited to Bothrops. They may be either loquacious or, conversely, find it difficult to talk, forgetting words when they are speaking.The characteristic symptom picture for Bothrops is of problems of the blood or blood vessels. Symptoms include bruising, hemorrhaging of thin blood that will not clot, or severe premenstrual syndrome. The face may be bluish or dark red and bloated, and the right hand may turn blue. Sharp pain may radiate from the right nipple to the back, and become worse when raising the left arm or breathing deeply.
Symptoms better: None known.
Symptoms worse: On the right side; after midnight; at sunrise; for walking; for taking a deep breath.
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