Merc. Sol.
Hydrargyrum metallicum syn. Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni
Deposits are extracted from cinnabar, found near volcanic vents and hot springs in Spain, Italy, the US, Peru, and China.
Advocated by Paracelsus, 16th-century scientist, and used medicinally for centuries: Charles II and George Washington were both prescribed it.
Mercury is dissolved in nitric acid, forming a gray powder precipitate. This is then filtered, dried, and triturated until soluble.
Common Names
Mercury, quicksilver, black oxide of mercury, ammonio-nitrate of mercury. Many different mercury preparations are available.
Deposits are extracted from cinnabar, found near volcanic vents and hot springs in Spain, Italy, the US, Peru, and China.
Advocated by Paracelsus, 16th-century scientist, and used medicinally for centuries: Charles II and George Washington were both prescribed it.
Mercury is dissolved in nitric acid, forming a gray powder precipitate. This is then filtered, dried, and triturated until soluble.
Common Names
Mercury, quicksilver, black oxide of mercury, ammonio-nitrate of mercury. Many different mercury preparations are available.

This mineral
often forms as a liquid
in volcanic rocks
such as cinnabar.
Key Symptoms
foul-smelling discharges; reserved, suspicious state of mind; insecurity; copious perspiration that does not relieve conditions; person feels worse at night-
Egyptian papyri dating from 1600 BCE record the early medicinal use of mercury,
which later spread to the Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. Its use persisted through to
1900 in the West as an aggressive treatment for syphilis and other diseases, until
its toxic effects were deemed too dangerous. Merc. sol. was proved by Hahnemann
and published in his Materia Medica Pura (1821–34). It is given primarily for
ulcers, glandular problems, and offensive-smelling discharges.
Remedy Profile
People who benefit most from Merc. sol. are anxious and restless. A need for stability and order gives them a conservative facade. In trying to restrain an inner sense of urgency, they become insecure, introverted, and suspicious, appearing detached and even arrogant in their dealings with people. They bottle up feelings of conflict until they explode in a blind rage. If unwell, they slow down in mind and body, but never lose their inner sense of restlessness. Illness may bring on confusion, a weak memory, hesitant speech, and weepiness. Constant hunger is typical, with cravings for bread, butter, and cold drinks such as milk or beer, but aversions to other alcoholic drinks, coffee, meat, and sweet foods.Typical physical symptoms include abscesses, ulcers, fever, swollen glands, and copious sweating. Bodily discharges, such as sweat, saliva, urine, and stools, are often foul-smelling. Symptoms are worse at night, and are aggravated by extremes of heat or cold (moderate temperatures are necessary for recovery). Excessive salivation is common, as is constant swallowing and dribbling on the pillow at night.
Mouth & throat conditions
Symptoms: Mouth ulcers on the tongue, walls of the mouth, and gums. Sore, raised, creamcolored patches may form in the mouth, usually indicating oral thrush. A sore throat may become ulcerated, and tonsillitis may set in. Abscesses may form in the roots of the teeth, causing painful swelling. Gums may become painfully inflamed and prone to bleeding (gingivitis). The teeth may also ache and loosen. Pain brought on by a toothache or a sore throat may extend to the ears. Other typical symptoms treated by Merc. sol. include a bitter taste in the mouth, halitosis, swollen glands, fever, and a yellow-coated tongue that may bear tooth marks.Symptoms better: For rest; for moderate temperatures; for applying warm compresses.
Symptoms worse: For extreme heat or cold; for sweating; for hot or cold foods and drinks.
Catarrh & colds
Symptoms: Watery, yellow or greenish catarrh that has a foul, strong odor, with constant sneezing, and a raw, burning sensation in the nose. Chills, aches, fever, and influenza are accompanied by a bitter-tasting mouth, a headache, and a sore throat. Pain in the sinuses may extend to the teeth and ears.Symptoms better: For rest; for moderate temperatures.
Symptoms worse: For extreme heat or cold; for lying on the right side; for sweating.
Eye & ear infections
Symptoms: Light-sensitive, swollen, watery, or inflamed eyes that exude a nasty yellow, greenish, or blood-flecked discharge, which may be due to conjunctivitis. Merc. sol. is also used for ear pains with a thick, yellowy green, bloody, and foul-smelling discharge.Symptoms better: For rest; for moderate temperatures.
Symptoms worse: For extreme heat or cold; at night; for stooping; for touch.
Symptoms: High temperature with profuse, offensive-smelling perspiration that chills the skin. The fever often occurs with swollen glands, neuralgic pain, and a viselike headache.Symptoms better: For rest; for moderate temperatures.
Symptoms worse: For changes in temperature; for intense heat; for sweating; at night; for lying on the right side.
Symptoms: Itchy, burning vaginal discharge in women, and itchy, red spots on the penis in men, with a discharge.Symptoms better: For bathing in cool water; for rest.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for humidity.
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