A pale yellow element with a distinct odor, occurring in the mineral calcium phosphate in volcanic regions. The main deposits are found in North Africa.
Used medicinally for headaches, pneumonia, measles, rheumatic pain, malaria, and epilepsy until the 19th century, when its toxic nature became widely known.
White phosphorus is used for the remedy. This waxy substance is insoluble in water, so it is dissolved in alcohol, filtered, then repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Phosphorus, white phosphorus, yellow phosphorus.
A pale yellow element with a distinct odor, occurring in the mineral calcium phosphate in volcanic regions. The main deposits are found in North Africa.
Used medicinally for headaches, pneumonia, measles, rheumatic pain, malaria, and epilepsy until the 19th century, when its toxic nature became widely known.
White phosphorus is used for the remedy. This waxy substance is insoluble in water, so it is dissolved in alcohol, filtered, then repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Phosphorus, white phosphorus, yellow phosphorus.

Overexposure to the white form of the element can be deadly, since it is highly toxic.
Key Symptoms
affectionate, open nature; tearfulness; cravings for cold drinks & salty foods; burning pains; person feels worse for lying on the left side of the body- Phosphorus was discovered in the 17th century by the German alchemist Hennig Brand. He kept secret his method of extracting it from urine, but it was soon discovered by the Irish chemist Robert Boyle. The name is derived from the Greek phosphoros, or "light-bringing," since the element glows in the dark. From 1669 the unstable, highly toxic white (or yellow) phosphorus was used to make fireworks and matches, but by 1845 it had been replaced by the nontoxic red form. The remedy was proved by Hahnemann and published in his Chronic Diseases (1821–34).
Remedy Profile
People who love being the center of attention respond best to Phosphorus. Like a match that sparks readily but burns out intensely, they are artistic, expressive, and affectionate, but may offer more than they can sustain. Illness or stress rapidly exhausts their energy, making them lethargic and indifferent toward loved ones, but highly responsive to any sympathy offered. They feel better for short naps. Vague anxieties crystallize into concrete fears when ill, leading to nervous fatigue and tension.Cravings for salty, spicy, or sweet foods, and cold, carbonated drinks or cold milk are typical. Warm foods or drinks may upset the stomach, as may cold drinks once they have warmed up in the stomach.
Phosphorus is prescribed for circulation problems, bleeding, digestive disorders, chest complaints, and burning pains.
Poor circulation
Symptoms: The extremities feel burning hot, yet are cold to the touch. Erratic blood flow may cause a weak pulse, hot flushes, fainting, dizziness, or palpitations. There may be burning neuralgic pain, and a sense of suffocation, possibly triggered by emotion or menopause.Symptoms better: For cold; for massage; for lying on the right side; for sleeping; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For lying on the left side; for thundery weather; for emotional stress.
Symptoms: Profuse, bright red blood flow, especially from the nose, gums, and lining of the stomach. Menstrual flow may be heavy. The skin bruises easily and anemia may set in.Symptoms better: For cold; for massage; for lying on the right side; for sleeping; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For lying on the left side; for thundery weather; for emotional stress.
Digestive disorders
Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, and constipation, often due to food poisoning, stress, stomach ulcers, or gastroenteritis. Other symptoms include a saliva-filled mouth and burning pain in the stomach, or heartburn. Stools are long, ribbonlike, and may be blood-streaked. Ice-cold foods and drinks are craved, but then cause vomiting once they warm up in the stomach.Symptoms better: For lying on the right side; for eating; for cold foods or drinks.
Symptoms worse: For lying on the left side; for stuffy rooms; for emotional stress; for warm foods or salt.
Respiratory illness
Symptoms: A sore throat and dry, tickly cough, possibly causing retching and vomiting. Phlegm is streaked with dark-red blood. Chest tightness may be due to asthma, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Colds tend to go straight to the chest.Symptoms better: For sitting up; for lying on the right side of the body; for sleep; for cold foods or drinks.
Symptoms worse: For lying on the left side; for laughing; for warm foods or drinks.
Burning pains
Symptoms: Burning neuralgic pains in the limbs, spine, or stomach, possibly with pins and needles and numbness, especially in the limbs, spine, or shoulder blades.Symptoms better: For cold compresses; for massage.
Symptoms worse: For windy weather; for emotional stress.
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