Plumbum Met.
Plumbum metallicum
Most commonly occurring in galena, a lead ore which is found in Australia, the US, Africa, and Europe.
Soft and malleable, and has been used to make everyday objects, from plumbing to hairpins, since Roman times.
For the mother tincture, pure lead is extracted from galena and finely ground until it becomes soluble in alcohol.
Common Names
Most commonly occurring in galena, a lead ore which is found in Australia, the US, Africa, and Europe.
Soft and malleable, and has been used to make everyday objects, from plumbing to hairpins, since Roman times.
For the mother tincture, pure lead is extracted from galena and finely ground until it becomes soluble in alcohol.
Common Names

Usually mined as galena, a common lead ore, lead is widely used but highly toxic. Inhaling or swallowing particles of lead can harm the nervous system.
Key Symptoms
mental dullness; hardening of attitude and state of mind; hardening or thickening of tissues and arteries; extreme chilliness; shooting pains- Although lead has been widely used since Roman times, its toxicity was not recognized until the 20th century. It is now banned from paints to prevent children from being poisoned by chewing lead-based toy or crib paint, and was phased out of gasoline because of fears that it may impair mental development in children. Physical symptoms of lead poisoning include wrist drop and colicky abdominal pains. Plumbum met. was proved by Drs. Hering, Hartlaub, Trinks, and Menning, and published in Allen's Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica (1874–79).
Remedy Profile
While the profile for Plumbum met. is associated mainly with physical symptoms, irritability, timidity, restlessness, apathy, anxiety, and depression are all psychological factors that may be linked to Plumbum met. The emotional traits may begin in childhood: children suited to the remedy are restless, with a weak memory and emotional instability. Adults who respond best to Plumbum met. have a tendency to be self-centered, with self-destructive impulses. They may have a strong sense of order. There may be difficulties in perception, a reduced ability to express thoughts, and memory loss. These symptoms show a lack of emotional pliability that may be echoed by a loss of physical flexibility.Thus the remedy is given for sclerotic (tissue-hardening) conditions such as arteriosclerosis, which thickens and hardens arteries, and Dupuytren's contracture, a disorder affecting one or both of the hands, in which one or more fingers become fixed in a bent position.
Neurological conditions
Symptoms: Spasms, trembling, and muscle weakness. The joints may be rigid and, between spasms, movement is slow. If the sensory nervous system is affected, there may be vision disturbances and a loss of feeling, so that external sources of pain, such as the heat of an oven or pin-pricks, are not felt. These symptoms may indicate a progressive neurological disorder such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease. Symptoms may also occur after a stroke (often due to arteriosclerosis blocking the blood supply to the brain—another example of the thickening and hardening traits linked to the remedy), possibly with pain or paralysis in a limb. Plumbum met. is also used for neuralgic pains that appear suddenly and radiate in all directions or shoot from the toes to the hips.Symptoms better: For warmth; for massage or pressure on the affected area.
Symptoms worse: At night; for movement.
Muscle weakness
Symptoms: Weakness, spasms, and trembling in the muscles, which feel tired, heavy, and aching. There is a sense of retraction—for example, as if the eyes are being pulled back into the head or the testicles or penis are being pulled up into the body. There may be wrist drop due to weakness in the wrist muscles.Symptoms better: For warmth; for massage or pressure on the affected area.
Symptoms worse: At night; for movement.
Symptoms: Colicky pains in the stomach and constipation. There is a constant urge to defecate, but often only small, black, ball-shaped stools are passed. Painful urine retention and a sensation as if the navel is being pulled into the backbone are further possible symptoms.Symptoms better: For warmth; for bending double; for firm pressure on the abdomen; for massage of the abdomen.
Symptoms worse: For fasting; in the evening and at night; for movement.
Dupuytren's contracture
Symptoms: Thickened and shortened tissues or tendons in the fingers or the palms of the hands. One or more fingers may become fixed in a bent position. Either or both hands may be affected.Symptoms better: For massage of the affected area.
Symptoms worse: For trying to grasp smooth objects.
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