Meningitis (Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis)
Violent delirium; fights to escape some imaginary objects, blood-shot eyes, throbbing of carotids, drowsiness broken at times when the patient outcries as if frightened. Sensitiveness to noise and light. The pulse is rapid and bounding. Temperature high. Covered parts moist. Grinds teeth.Bryonia
It follows well after Belladonna, but should never be given in alternation. It is to be given when Bell, has reduced the fever and slowed down the pulse. The cough becomes loose. It is better indicated in rheumatic patients. Benumbed sensation, stupid looks, stiffness of neck. Abdomen distended.Tuberculinum
This should never be forgotten and should be administered at the commencement of the treatment. It is a constitutional remedy and prevents as well as cures tubercular meningitis. Give a single dose of 200 dilution and no medicine for 6 to 12 hours, unless the patient's condition demands immediate change to another indicated medicine.Apis M
In tubercular meningitis or acute cerebral effusion due to suppressed or un-developed eruption. The patient cries in sleep with shrill.Helleborus
When forehead is wrinkled, pupils dilated and the lower jaw tends to drop. Automatic motion of one arm and one leg. Cold sweat on forehead. The patient is greedy to take water and he catches the spoon with teeth when water in put in his mouth. Eyes do not react to light. Complete unconsciousness. Tubercular meningitis. Complete or partial stupor, sluggishness.Cuprum Met
When there is loud screaming followed by violent convulsions; the thumbs are clenched, face pale with blue lips, the eye-balls are constantly rotating.Hyoscyamus
It is indicated after convulsions have subsided and the patient lies stupid and unconscious with mild delirium.Glonoine
Cephalic cry (as in Apis) with sensation as if head were enormously expanded. Spasmodic vomiting with intense congestion and throbbing of the head. Meningitis due to sun or heat stroke.Zincum Met
In cerebral irritation. The child awakes with fear, rolls his head, cries out and startles in sleep. Indicated in anaemic children prone to develop eruptions.Cicuta Virosa
With convulsions, frightful distortions of limbs and whole body; with loss of consciousness; opisthotonos; renewed from slightest touch, noise or jerk.Mercurius Sol
Cerebral meningitis with effusion of traumatic origin. Cerebro-spinal meningitis due to suppression of discharges fromthe ear. With the use of this remedy the discharge is re-established within twenty four hours and other symptoms of meningitis disappear.Aconite
Idiopathic cerebral inflamation, cerebral congesion from anger or exposure to sun. Fever with fear, restlessness, dry skin and great thirst.Gelsemium
Complete or partial loss of muscular power, vision and speech; vomitting, great prostation and debility, throbbing headache, nausea, feeble pulse, laboured respiration.Veratrum Viride
Coldness of body, loss of consciousness, dilated pupils, laboured, slow irregular pulse, convulsions and cerebral congestion.Crotalus Hor
Scarlet fever. Pain in limbs, severe headache, delirium, open eyes, red face.Opium
Spasmodic convulsions, stupor due to grief, fright, fear. Body rolls side-ways.Sulphur
In tubercular meningitis. Cold sweat on forehead, jerking of limbs, spasms, suppressed urine.Iodine
Useful in tubercular meningitis.Calcarea Carb
Suitable for phlegmatic temperament, large head, open fontanelles, pale face, large abdomen.
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