Leukemia (Hodgkin’s Disease)
Arsenium Alb
Pollar, debility, shortness of breath, action of heart weak, profound blood changes glandular enlargements. Its characteristics i.e., restlessness, afternoon and after midnight aggravation, nervous apprehension and anxiety should not be ignored.China
When the periodicity of fever and chill with enlargement of spleen is marked. Bowels disturbed and the skin is hot and dry.Ferrum Phos
Anaemia with haemorrhage and general debility and constipation. Chlorosis in ypung girls with delayed menses.Phosphorus
The patient is very much relaxed and debilitated. Palpitation of heart and shortness of breath on least exertion. Loose and offensive stools with complete exhaustion thereafter.Arsenic Iod
May be given after meals.Natrum Mur
When the complexion is pale earthy; skin greasy; anaemia with chilliness, cold feet and chills down the back.Calcarea Carb
andCalcarea Iod
Are especially indicated when the Lymphatic glands especially the cervical glands are involved. Exhaustive sweat and perspiration.NatrumArs
andNatrum Sulph
In severe cases of leukemia these may be tried in the given order.Ceanothus
It is specific for enlargement of spleen resulting in anaemia. It should be given in five drop doses of mother tincture.
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