

This is the head remedy for nausea and vomiting Mouth moist, much saliya. Vomits food, bile, blood or mucus. Hiccough. Clean tongue, faintness and collapse. Stabbing pains in stomach. Nausea not relieved by vomiting. Heartburn and vomiting before menses.

Antim Crud

Vomiting with white coated tongue is charac­teristic of this remedy. The patient vomits as soon as he eats or drinks. Terrible vomitting which nothing can stop.


An excellent remedy for vomiting of children The child vomits soon after eating or nursing. It is followed by great exhaustion which is the keynote of this remedy. The child falls back exhausted. The vomiting is of green curds of milk. Feels hungry immediately after vomiting.

Nux Vom

Feeling of weight in epigastric region with difficulty in breathing. Nausea with retching. Colicy pains with urging to stool which is scanty. Coldness, shivering and anxiety.


A very useful remedy in chronic vomiting of despeptics. There is great thirst for cold water which relieves vomiting but as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach it is vomited. It is also useful in vomiting of blood in gastric ulcers and cancer.

Iris Ver

Vomiting of extremely sour matter which is so sour that it sets the teeth on edge and excoriates throat. Ropy saliva.

Crotalus Horridus

Vomiting, diarrhoea with distressing nausea and urination accompanied with agonising pain. Black bilious vomiting in large quantities.


Vomiting after meals, the food taken is vomited. There may be convulsions and cramps.


Nausea and vomiting from odour of cooked food especially of fish, eggs and fatty meat. Slightest movement also causes nausea. Even smell of food in another room or kitchen will nauseate the patient.


Nausea on coming near a warm stove.

Eugenia Jambos

Nausea better by smoking.


Nausea with burning in stomach, crampy pains induced by bright light.


Vomiting by even raising the head from the pillow. Induced by bright light.


Vomiting and burning in stomacn andoeso­phagus, diarrhoea, weak heart and other cardiac troubles. Oedema, especially of the feet.


Nausea and vomiting with burning in stomach.

Calcarea Mur

Obstinate vomiting.

Acid Carbolic

Vomiting of drunkards. Ordinary vomiting with weight on epigastrium. Burning in stomach.


Vomiting due to abuse of tobacco.

Cucurbita Pepo

Vomiting and nausea - intense - after eating during pregnancy.


Frequent vomiting in morning. Flatulence. Pain in stomach.


Vomiting or nausea disappears after eating. Vomiting of beer (not water) having a bitter taste.


Nausea disappears after eating. Worse in hie morning. Vomiting and heartburn after menses.


Vomiting of cerebral origin rather thanot gastric. Vomiting of migraine or cerebral tumors. The thought of food or its smell in the other room or the kitchen will nauseate the patient. Loud speaking causes vomit­ing and cough. Nausea felt in head and mouth.


Nausea felt in rectum.

Argentina Nit

Blood vomiting caused by inventerate ulceration of the stomach.


Nausea felt in ears.

Arsenic Alb

Vomiting and heartburn during the period of menses.


Vomiting or retching when due to weakness of stomach which rejects a meal remained undigested some hours after it was eaten or when it is caused by the odour of stool or other bad smelling articles. Vomiting of the food an hour or two after eating and constant nausea thereafter. Burning pain in stomach immediately after eating. Try 200 dilution, if lower dilutions fails.


Vomiting and faintness near a warm stove or in a warm room. Anger or excitement will bring on the spell.

Lobelia Infl

Vomiting with great sweat and saliva.


Nausea from noise.


Child vomits as soon as it is nursed after mother has been angry.


Vomiting and troublesome nausea and retching following the administration of opium and morphine.


Vomiting relieved by taking indigestible things and aggravated by easily digested food such as milk or toast. Raw cabbage, chopped onions and potatoes stop vomiting.

Croton Tig

Vomiting or excessive nausea with vanishing of sight, vertigo; worse after drinking.

Cadmium Sulph

The stomach gives out, i.e. there is no digestion and every thing taken is vomited. The patient wants to keep quite and wants to die in peace. He does not want to be bothered or spoken to. Black vomiting. Burning and cutting pain in stomach with intense nau­sea and vomiting. The least thing touching the lips will excite vomiting.


Constant vomiting; vomiting of sour slime. Flatulent distension after every meal.

Acid Sulphuric

Sour, acid vomiting. Child Smells sour all over despite actual cleanliness.

Ferrum Met

An excellent remedy for vomiting only of food after eating or drinking.


Vomiting of faecal matter (stool).

Crotalus H

Black vomiting.

Arnica M

Vomiting of black inky substance with mouth bitter and general soreness; darkened coagulated blood.