Aconite N
Full pulse with great anxiety of mind and body. Restlessness. When due to chill or sudden fright. Redness of the face. Give in IX dilution every 15 minutes during attack.Belladonna
Great redness of the face with congestion in the head. Full and rapid pulse, pupils dilated. Give in 6th dilution and repeat every 15 minutes till attack ceases.Opium
Cerebral apoplexy, jaws dropped, pupils dilated, hot sweat, one sided paralysis. Coma with dusky red face and stertorous breathing, when due to sudden and excessive joy; slow and laboured pulse. This is the head remedy and should be given in IM dilution every week.Glonoinum
Intense heat, shining skin, cold extremities, stertorous breathing, the coma are the guiding symptoms.Nux Vomica
Is complementary to Opium for completing the cure, but is useful independently in patients of bilious, sanguine or nervous and irritable temperament. Is also indicated in persons who have indulged in wines and liquors.Ignatia
When due to concentrated grief or when the exciting cause is depressing emotions and the patient possesses nervous temperament.Lachesis
Frequent abstraction of mind, giddiness with congestion. Pains deep in the brain especially the left side. Stiffness of joints. Face pale and puffy.Pulsatilla
Lethargy; loss of consciousness; bloated and bluish red, pale and puffy face. Attacks occuring after full meal which has been hurriedly swallowed. Palpitation of heart with pulse almost entirely suppressed.Fcrrum Phos
In anaemic and pale persons. "Pulse rapid, slow and wiry.Helonias
Violent pulsations of the heart shaking the chest and the abdomen. Unconscious with twitchings of the muscles.Gelsemium
Drowsy, slow in movement, tongue paralysed, pulse slow, full but soft; pupils dilated.Strychnia Phos 3X
Fatty degeneration of muscular tissues. When the speck seems to have come from the heart undergoing fatty degeneration.Arnica Mont
Apoplexy due to injury Head hot and body cold. It should be given when sensibility is recovered. Soreness and aching all over the body.Formica
If apoplexy is due to weakness of the brain. It strengthens the brain and stops recurrence.Laurocerasus
Apoplexy occurring suddently without warning, with palpitation, cold moist skin and convulsions of the facial muscles.
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