Aconite N
Abortion due to dreadful dreams such as the sight of robbers, fire or drowning in the sea etc. Give in 200 potency.Arnica Mont
When abortion is due to a false step or by carrying heavy weight or other physical over-exertion, shocks, falls, bruises or concussions. There may be pain with or without flow or flow with or without pain.Sabina
For abortion every second or third month. Habitual abortion. Discharge of dark blood. Pain in small of back and genitals.Viburnum Pru
An excellent remedy to prevent miscarriage, especially in eighth month when children so delivered die soon after birth. It even neutralizes the effect of medicines taken for causing abortion. No woman can possibly abort if compelled to use this remedy.Sepia
Abortion during the fifth to seventh month. Patient is feeble, delicate. Disposition to leucorrhoea and constipation.Gelsemium
Abortion due to mental excitement. The pain goes from abdomen upwards and establishes in the back.Aurum Mur
Nat. When due to induration of cervix.Pulastilla
It is an excellent remedy for exciting abortion; it should be given for a month or so in IX dilution. It arrests miscarriege if ^iven in 30 dilution. Patient is timid. Chilly. Thirstless. Flow intermittent.Crocus
Abortion of third month. As if something alive in abdomen.Thlaspi
Abortion when bleeding persists. Use mother tincture.Gossypium
This is another remedy which is said to be useful for producing abortion. It should be given in mother tincture in drop doses.Calcarea Carb
In plethoric women with profuse and premature menstruation, disposed to leucorrhoea. Pain in the small of back.Camphor
Suitable to females of feeble constitution disposed to leucorrhoea, colds on the chest or in the head or catarrhal discharges.Ferrum Met
Suitable to chlorotic patients who suffer from amenorrhoea and are suffering from leucorrhoea.Ipec
Bleeding acute with continuous flow of bright red blood, colic, cutting pain in abdomen. Violent pressure on the womb.Platina
This may be tried when Ipec. fails.Secale Cor
When the uterus is organically diseased or deficient in vitality. Suitable for feeble and exhausted females. Abortion at the third month.Note
It should he clearly understood that in homeopathy there are no remedies which would create diseases; hence failure to produce abortion will be the general rule. The above remedies may, however, be tried in cases where this course is needed in the interest of the health of the patient. It is a crime to cause abortions in healthy persons.ALBUMINURIA:
Apis Mel
It is the head remedy for albuminuria during pregnancy.Cantharis
Albuminuria with burning and scalding whilst urinating. Urine scanty.Terebinth
Albuminuria with retention of urine, or urine is passed in drops.Enonymin
Albuminuria during pregnancy. Give 2 grains of IX in half a tumbler of water, one teaspoonful a dose every hour.Helonias
Albuminuria during pregnancy.Mercurius Cor
Albuminous nephritis of pregnancy.Phosphorus
Albuminuria in late and full term of pregnancy.ANUS
Burning in anus during pregnancy.AVERSION:
Aversion to bread in pregnancy. Cannot think of food, which makes her sick.Laurocerasus
Aversion to food during pregnancy.Bearing down (Prolapsus (See also "bearing down" under "uterus"):
Is the head remedy .for bearing down, whether in pregnancy or otherwise. Labour-like pains at seventh month. Give high dilution, i.e. 1000 or CM.Sarsaparilla
Drawing pain in the back, radiating to hands, feet and toes. Severe pain in the back before and during stool.Kali Carb
Severe pain in the small of back as if a heavy weight came into pelvis, (low down). Give one dose in 1000 potency and wait for three or four days.Secale Cor
Frequent and prolonged forcing pain. Constitution thin and ill-humoured.Pulsatilla
Labour-like pains with bearing down sensation. It may be due to night watching or mental strain.Ustilago
Is useful in painful and prolonged pregnacy.BREATHING:
Nux Vomica
Difficult breathing during pregnancy.COUGH:
Kali Bi
Constant hacking cough. Nervous, threatening abortion.Kali Brom
Reflex cough of pregnant women. Dry fatiguing cough at night. Causticum. Dry cough.Conium
Dry constant cough worse on mental or physical exertion, from speaking or walking, worse at night.Bell
Hacking cough, dry face becomes flushed.DEATH:
Aconite N
Fear of death during pregnancy. Use 200 dilution. Two or three doses at 4 hours interval will suffice.DESIRE:
Veratrum Alb
Desire for acids; wants every thing cold, salty or food.Sulphur
Desire for sugar or pickles.Magnesia Carb
Desire for certain kind of food.Natrum Mur
Desire for salt and salted food.Chelidonium
Desire for unusual articles of food.Nit. Acid
Desire for earth or chalk or lime.Alumina
Desire for charcoa], chalk or lime.DROPSY:
Is an excellent remedy with dropsical swelling of feet and face. There is no thirst.Apocynum
When dropsy is due to liver. There is thirst and the patient wants to be in the open air.Are. Alb
Dropsy is due to heart trouble with thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.Digitalis
Dropsy with palpitation of heart.FALSE CONCEPTION:
Violent foetal movements in uterus or imaginary pregnancy.Caulophyllum
False conception, imaginary pregnancy.FOETUS — DISPLACEMENT AND MOVEMENT OF:
An excellent remedy for putting the foetus or child in the right place. It covers even when the child turns upside down.Canlophyllum
When the movements have ceased.Corcus
When the movements are too violent and painful.Thuja
Violent movements of the child during the seventh or eighth month which disturb her sleep with urging to urinate.Arnica M
When sensitiveness, soreness and tenderness is felt in uterus on account of motion of the foetus.Lycopodium
Foetus in uterus causing annoyance by excessive movement.Sulphur
Foetus in utertus as if hurting by fists.INSANITY:
Insanity during pregnancy. Give in 200 dilution.Labour pains (false) (See under "delivery")
Actea Racemosa
Living birth ensured in women who have previously delivered only dead children.PAIN:
Viburnum Op
Pain or cramps in the abdomen and legs during pregnancy.SLEEPLESSNESS:
This may be given in 200 dilution for sleeplessness in pregnancy.Coffea
If Anacardium fails, this remedy may be tried. A dose of 200 at bed time may suffice.Aconite N
If caused by fright, fear or anxiety. Hyocyamus. If due to nervousness and irritability.Ignatia
If caused by anxious thoughts, grief, sadness or any depressing emotion.TOOTHACHE:
Painful throbbing, gnawing or drawing sensation in teeth and gums; stupifying or boring headache; teeth loose; black, decayed and brittle.Spigelia
Tearing and sticking pain with painful jerks, worse by cold; most violent on retiring to rest, reclining the head on the pillow and diminishing in severity on raising the head.Sepia
Is head remedy for toothache during pregnancy.Chamomilla,
When pain proceeds from single carious teeth.Pulsatilla
When one side of the jaw is affected or the pain shifts about.Coffea
When the pain is severe and is relieved by keeping cold water in the mouth.NuxVom
When the pain proceeds from the decayed tooth to the facial bones and gets worse by wine, coffee and mental work. Pain sticking, drawing, tearing, digging or jerking.Belladonna
When accompanied with headache. Tearing, drawing and throbbing pain.Urine (Retention of):
Nux Vom, Camphor
May be tried in the given order in retention of urine during pregnancy. If there is no relief within 24 hours, catherter should be applied.Sepia
For frequent desire to urinate. Urine in few drops escapes before reaching the vessel.VOMITING (MORNING SICKNESS):
Nux Vomica alternated with Antium Crud
Arrests vomiting during pregnancy, if these two remedies are given every one hour alternatively for a few days. Nux. Vom. should be given in IX dilution whereas Antim. Crud. in 6 dilution. Flatulence without sickness is covered by Nux. Vom. Tongue coated with creamy fur; acidity and heartburn, with stomach out of order.Symphoricarpus Race
Deathly nausea, vomiting continuous, violent retching. Give in 200 dilution. Head remedy.Ipec
Excessive flatulence with sickness and heart-burn. An excellent remedy for morning sickness.Colchicum
The nausea is felt in the head and is worse whilst riding a carriage or sailing. Smell of food brings nausea.KaliCarb
Nausea without vomiting coming on when walking. Great sleepiness while eating is the ranking symptom of this remedy.Cucurbita Peps
Vomiting and salivation during pregnancy. In severe cases, trial should be given to this remedy. Excellent remedy for tapoworm.Lactic Acid
Vomiting of pregnancy with water brash, saliva and acidity.Asarum Europum
Nausea of pregnancy.Phosphorus
When sight of water excited vomiting of pregnancy. Must close her eyes when bathing. Aggravated by putting hands in warm water.Nux Moschata
Nausea or vomiting during pregnancy; from wearing pessaries.Kali Chlor
An excellent remedy for nausea of pregnancy with sore throat.Kreosotum
Nausea and vomiting of sweet water.AletrisFar
Vomiting with pale, sickly, chloratic face, would like to lie down and do nothing but rest. Vomiting in such debilitated pregnant women.Sepia
Morning sickness of pregnancy with all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach. The vomiting is relieved by eating.Sterility (Barrenness):
It is the head remedy for sterility. There is irregularity of menses with leucorrhoea and constipation.Baryta Carb
Sterility due to dwindling of ovaries and mammary glands, yet the lymphatics become enlarged and infiltrated.Aurum Mur
Nat. Specific for sterility. It may be given in 3X trituration. It cures ulceration, induration, chronic metritis, ulcers of the os, swelling of the ovary. Also covers habitual abortion and prolapsus of the uterus.Phosphorus
With late and profuse menses; excessive voluptuousness.Kali Br
From atrophy of ovaries.Aurum Met
Sterility due to depression of mind.Nat. Carb
Discharge of mucus after an embrace in the women and sterility as a result thereof.Pituitrin
It regulates action of 'corpus lutuem' in sterile women and favours conception in many cases.Agnus Castus
When there is absence of sexual desire and/ or menses. Leucorrhoea staining yellow.Aleteris F
When sterility is due to weakness of the uterus. This remedy tones up the uterus.Platina
Sterility in women with excessive sexual desire. It has cured sterility of 12 years standing.Thuja
Sterility with leucorrhoea. Anaemia may also be present. Hair on the face and legs of women with offensive pespiration about the genitals.Caulophyllum
Sterility after leucorrhoea in a woman married ten years ago was cured with this remedy.SUCKLING, DISINCLINATION TO:
When the child refuses to take the breast, although applied within few hours after delivery. One dose need only be given in 200 dilution.Mercurius Cor
This should be tried in 6th dilution, if Cina fails.Silicea
When the infant takes the breast readily, but immediately thereafter returns the milk.
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