Pain (Rheumatism, Gout and Arthritis)
When pains are aggravated on slightest motion and relieved by moderate pressure and warmth. There is inflammation of joints which are hot and swollen. The patient feels chilly. It may be given in IX dilution or in 200 when lower dilutions fail.Ledum Pal
It is specific in gout and rheumatism when the affection travels from downwards to upwards. There is deposit of chalk stones in finger joints, wrists and toes. There may be inflammation of joints. Chilly and yet the pains are better by cold application. Irritable, desires to be alone. Pain may be caused by alcoholism, insect stings, punctured wound. Worse by warm application.Kalmia Lotifolia
For rheumatic pains when the affection travels downwards with numbness. Pain with palpitation of heart and slow pulse. Pains shift rapidly. Pain in ulnar nerve.Colchicum
A general remedy for gout. There may be aversion to food which smells as soon as served, Swelling of joints which may be red or pale. Abdomen bloated with wind. Albumin in urine which becomes black like ink, scanty urine with dropsical swelling, marked irritability from pains or odours. Worse by motion, touch or mental effort. Better by warmth, rest or sitting. Gout and rheumatism in smokers.Rhus Tox
Recurring attacks due to getting chilled when hot. Rheumatism caused by damp weather and worse in damp climate; there is restlessness and the pains are worse on first motion, better by continued motion and again worse after moving for sometime when it becomes necessary for him to repose. It gives best results in 1M dilution.Cactus G
Rheumatism with dropsy and oedematous swelling of extremities. Kidneys and bowels affected. Cardiac rheumatism when heart is affected and joints are freed from painStellaria Med
It is indicated in shifting pains in all parts with soreness; worse by motion with pains in liver. Enlarged and inflamed gouty joints which are painful. (It can also be used locally in mother tincture mixed with olive oil.)Dulcamara
Rheumatism from getting cold and wet. Due to living in damp basements or where there has been great difference in temperature within 24 hours, in warm summer days when followed by cold nights. Rheumatism due to suppression of perspiration.Pulsatilla
Affects knees, ankles, and small joints of hands and feet, pains shifting about, coming on at night, in a warm room and at rest; better in open air and by motion and warm application. Pain in heels like the pricking of nails. Disposition gentle, timid and easily moved to tears.Gultheria Oil
In 10-20 drop doses never fails to arrest the pains.Asclepias Tub
Pains run diagonally.Malaria Off
Rheumatism after malaria fever.Ferrum Pic
Rheumatism increased or brought on by walking.Lycopodium
Rheumatism of finger joints with flatulence.Lactic Acid
Rheumatism with diabetes.Guaiacum
Rheumatism and gout engrafted on syphilitic or tubercular contitutions. Sore swollen joints more painful from warmth and motion. Gouty abscesses of joints. The leg and ankle bones are especially affected Shooting pain in legs from feet to knees. Pains in tibia. Better by cold bath and cold application.Formica and Formic Acid
Gouty or rheumatic pains due to urates and albumin in urine. Inflammation of joints which are very painful. They are worse on motion, by cold or before storm; better on pressure.Lithium Carb
Chronic rheumatism due to uric acid. Palpitation and shocks about the heart. Painfulness of the soles of feet and small joints with a sense of burning therein.Kali Carb
Pains stiching, stabbing and of burning character relieved temporarily by cold application and not by rest or motion. The patient shrieks on account of pain. Backache accompained by great weakness and profuse sweating. If he covers the painful part, the pain goes to the uncovered part. Aggravation after eating and uncovering. Give in 1M dilution.Calcarea Carb
Tardy development of bony tissues; irregular nourishing of the bones; one part of the bone is nourished while the other is starved. Like Rhus Tox, the pains in this remedy are relieved by constant walking and aggravated by lying or at rest. Arthritic swelling or nodular gout of hands and ringer joints or knees in fleshy and sweaty persons. Worse by cold.Magnesia Mur
When pains are worse by sitting, better by moving and completely relieved by lying down.Salicylic Acid
Articular rheumatism attacking joints particularly elbow and knee joints with great swelling, redness and high fever. Acute and piercing pain better byheat and worse by cold.
Sticta Pulmonaria. IX
Rheumatism of right shoulder blade or joint, wrist joint, ankle or knee joint. It also reduces fluid in the joints.Acid Tartaricum
Pain in soles of feet and heels.Trimathylaminum
Pain in wrists and ankles, with fever; it diminishes the amount of urates.Sarsaparilla 200
Rheumatism in sycotic persons due to suppressed gonorrhoea by injections or other outer applications.Berberis Vulg. 200
Pain in heels relieved by putting most of the weight on them. Arthritic and rheumatic affection if attended by renal sticking pain and backache.Myristica Sebifera
Inflammation or/and suppuration of joints or other parts. Pain in ringer nails and phalanges.Chelidonium
Rheumatism with oedema, heat, tenderness and stiffness. Constipation and whitish stools. Pain is aggravated by slightest movement or touch. The only relief is constant bathing with hot water.Cuprum Acet
Tonic spasms of the toe of right foot, very painful.Gnaphalium
Sciatica pain resulting from strain and alternating with numbness; worse in cold and damp weather.Gratiola
Gout with acidity and constipation. Rheumatic and gouty pains in shoulders, arms, fingers, particularly in the elbow and wrist joints.Eupatorium Perf
Chronic gouty state with inflamed nodosities of the finger joints, elbow joints, toes etc. Gouty or arthritic headache may alternate with pain in joints.Kali Iod
Rheumatic gout affecting every joint. Old gouty subjects who must keep in motion in the open air which gives relief. They are fatigued when keeping quiet. He is hot, bad tempered, irritable and harsh.Rhododendron
Rheumatic pains which wander from joint to joint with swelling of joints, worse before or during thunderstorm, cold or wet or unsettled weather. Better from warm wrapping. Enlargement of joints not due to gouty deposits. Arthritic nodes.Phytolacca
Chronic bruised state of body, bone pain, body aches, pain in joints, worse at night, from warmth of bed or from warm application. He wants cold things, rheumatism of joints with enlargement of parotid and sub-maxillary glands. Pain in the cardiac region shooting into the right arm.Natrum Sulph
When rheumatism is due to uric acid in urine accompanied with gastric troubles.Magnolia
Rheumatism with heart trouble. Alternating pain between spleen and heart. Patient tired but not stiff. Irregular shifting pains. Dyspnoea. Suffocated feeling when walking fast.Benzoic Acid
Rheumatic and gouty pains in uraemic and lithaemic constitutions. When the urine is scanty the patients suffer more whereas when it is heavily laden with deposits and is copious, the pains are relieved. The urine in such a state becomes of high colour and smells strong like that of a horse. Checking of these deposits Aggravates pain. The urine contains uric acid forming the red deposits. The rheumatic pains cease on catching cold and the inflammation of tongue or stomach starts. In the latter case the patient vomits everything he eats. The suppressed pains go to the stomach and then Benz. Acid, Ant. Crud. and Sang, are likely to be useful. With complication of asthma. Oedema of lower extremities. Forgets words when writing. Sadness and anxiety when perspiring. Uraemia. Chilly, worse by uncovering, cold air, changing weather, motion and wine. Better by heat or profuse urination. Wandering pains which change position suddenly. Gouty concretions on joints. It relieves the pain of gout.Oxalic Acid
Left sided rheumatism with sharp pains through the lower lobe of the left lung which is noteworthy of this remedy. It matters not what the name of the disease may be, pleurisy, pneumonia or phthisis; when that pain is present—Oxalic Acid shall do its work. Rheumatic gout of joints, especially worse from sweats. It may have disordered stomach, salivation, tasteless eructations, burning in stomach etc. It covers oxaluria also. Pain under point of scapula, between shoulders, extending downward to small of back. Violent aching pain in back down the thigh relieved by change of position.Manganum
Limbs are full of distress, even to gout. Sore bones, burning in soles, arthritic enlargements, painful periosteum, sore joints. This remedy is useful in recurrent complaints and is hardly useful in first attack.Camphor
Pains are felt during a half conscious condition and disappear when thinking of them.Chamomilla
Violent sharp pain coming suddenly which makes the patient crazy. The patient says, that he would prefer death or anything rather than the pains. Is also specific for pain with numbness.Saccharum Lactis
Icy cold pains passing in all directions.Antim Crud
Gout alternated with vomiting, i.e. when gout ceases, vomiting comes on. Gouty nodules in finger joints and shifting gouty pains but attended by white coated tongue, cracks in nostrils and corners of mouth. Aversion to cold bath.Mephites
Wandering pains with pressure to urinate.Phaseolus N
Important remedy for gout accompanied with diabetes.Sabina
Gout and bleeding from the uterus come on alternately, i.e., haemorrhage starts when the gout stops and vice versa.Sulphur
Pains worse during Summer, clear and cloudless days and better during damp and cold weather. Chronic arthritis with burning of soles and top of head.Lycopus V
When pains are better in warm room or in bed; but not better by direct warmth.Aconite Nap
Shooting pains which are reproduced by wine or other stimulants; worse at night and generally disappear in a sitting posture.Act. R
Rheumatism affecting the vertebral joints and especially the neck. Pain in the nape of the neck is its characteristic. When the rheumatism gets better, mental symptoms appear or the diarrhoea comes on when the mind is not disturbed; some flow must be established in order to get relief.Act Spicata
Tearing and drawing pains in small joints and wrists. The joints swell after a slight fatigue.Abortanum
Rheumatism starting after a checked diarrhoea. Metastasis of rheumatism from joints to heart; to spine. There is sudden aching pain in back better by motion. Symptoms are worse at night and in cold air.Arsenic Alb
Burning pains worse at midnight and by lying on painful side and relieved by heat and by moving the affected part. Rheumatic pains from elbow to the shoulder.Gelsemium
Burning pains not relieved by heat; worse at 10 A.M. Rheumatic pains wandering in the bones and joints at night.Hypericum
For Rheumatoid arthritis. It has wonderful healing effect on injured nerve. Knee contracted; leg, foot, toes quite rigid.Merc. Sol
Rheumatism and arthritic pains with very offensive sweats—the more he sweats the worse he feels. Exhaustion. Better in bed, but as soon as he gets warm in bed the pains increase and he has to throw off his clothes to get better. The latter position also aggravates pain, then again he has to cover himself in bed and so it goes on the whole time. Worse during night.Kali Bi
Pains worse by movements and better by warmth. Wandering and shifting pains from one joint to another. Pains better when diarrhoea or catarrhal discharges reappear which are the ranking symptoms of this remedy. Pain in coccyx when sitting. Pain in small spots which can be covered with the point of finger. Pain in hip joints and knee on moving.Apis Mel
Inflammation of joints with stinging and burning pains which are worse in warm room and by warm application and better by cold application and cold air. Parts look red and hot to touch. Oedema. Give high dilution.Selenium
Rheumatism—tubercular. Extreme weakness following prolonged fever, great and excessive general emaciation. The withering of the limbs, the falling out of hair. Diarrhoea after taking fruits or wines or tea.Causticum
Rheumatoid arthritis which is better in damp and warm weather and worse in cold and dry weather. Contraction and stiffness of tendons with weakness and trembling. Rheumatoid arthritis especially where joints are stiff and tendons shortened, drawing the limbs out of shape. Deformity of joints. The patient feels comfortable when it rains. Paralytic trembling, weakness of limbs.Medorrhinum
This remedy should be tried when the well selected remedies fail. It is specially indicated in rheumatoid arthritis which rouses the patient from sleep. Scanty, high coloured, strong smelling urine. Sensitive to cold with tenderness of the soles. Wants to lie with legs drawn up which position affords him relief. Pain in heels, weakness of memory, irritable temperament. Use 200 dilution or above.Syphilinum
For rheumatism in syphilitic constitutions when other well indicated remedies fail. The pains arc worse during night. Give a dose of 1000 dilution at bed time.Lachesis
Rheumatic pain in knees and elbows. Swelling of the knees. Face pale from bleeding. Great thirst for water.Drosera
Pain in the tibia and long bones.Pyrogenium
Pain better when first begining to move and worse when the movement is continued with break (Reverse of Rhus Tox). In order to get relief from pain the patient has to move a little and then stop and then again move a little and stop and so on.Arnica Mont
For gouty pain when the patient is afraid of touch or approach. He feels that anything coming towards him is going to hurt him, because he is sore and tender. Rheumatic fever when heart may be involved.Aurum Met
Pains wander from joint to joint and finally locate in the heart resulting in angina pectoris. There is swelling of joints; affection of cartilages and bones: inflammation of periosteum. Worse at night.Aurum Mur
Tearing, drawing, pressing, and sticking pains, better by cold and worse by heat and warm application. Worse at night. He loathes his life.Natrum Phos
Rheumatism with round worms. Pain at the base of the heart when the pains in limbs and toes are relieved and vice versa.Argentum Met
Rheumatic pains in joints along the nerves and cartilages especially elbow and knee. Legs weak and trembling, worse descending stairs. Swelling of ankles. Inflamed cartilages infitrate and form into hard knots. Thickening of cartilages.Caulophyllum
Rheumatism of the short muscles and of small joints of the extremities, of phalangeal and metacarpal joints. Rheumatism worse at the time of menses. Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes.Petroleum
Stitching pain in the heels as if splinters were lodged in it. Worse on walking.Urtica Urens
Gout accompanied with thick urine. Give in 5 drop doses of mother tincture every two or three hours. It will not only relieve the pain but also pass a lot of gravel with the urine.Natrum Mur
Rheumatism in patients who dislike consolation, fuss, cold, fat food and salts. His lips crack in the winter. Gout in persons who have taken much quinine or are chilly. Wore at seaside.Calcarea Phos
Weakness and softness of bones. Rheumatism coming on in winter or cold weather. Better on return of hot weather.Carboneum Sul
Useful in chronic rheumatism and gout, especially of joint.Conium
When the pains are better by letting limbs hang down.Agaricus M
Diagonal pains i.e. of left arm and right leg or vice versa.Tarantula
Diagonal pains i.e. of right arm and left leg.Lycopersicum
Rheumatic pains which are worse out-door. Pain in the right deltoid is more marked.Silicea
Pain in the coccyx as from a long carriage ride. Stinging pain in the coccyx worse on pressure. Pain in the knee as if too tightly bound.Staphisagria
Rheumatoid arthritis. Stiffness and sense of fatigue in all the joints, arthritic nodosities on joints. Worse from slightest touch is the characteristic symptom of this remedy.Alumina Silicate
Pain in the joints, in the limbs, shoulders, elbow, forearm, hand, thighs, legs and feet etc. Pain travels from below upwards.Ammonia Phos
Constitutional remedy for gout and rheumatic diathesis when there are nodes in the joints.Concretions in the joints and the hands become twisted and out of shape.
It helps in rheumatic fibrosits, especially of the posterior shoulders and hip regions. It also clears up synovial effusion in the knees. Give in 1M potency. Rheumatoid arthritis of gonorrhoeal origin. It does wonders in loosening the joints and in restoring locomotion when other seemingly indicated remedies fail.Valeriana
Shifting rheumatic pains relieved by walking up and down and by rubbing the affected parts. Sudden flushes of heat with thirst and nausea. Sleeplessness before midnight.Calcarea Flour
It is used for defective bony growths; ulcerations of bones and fistula. The patient is better by warmth and worse by cold.Fluoric Acid
Is used in softening and absorbing the nodes and other abnormal growths of the bones. There is a good deal of pain, some weakness and redness of the parts. Rapid growth and brittleness of the nails.Picric Acid
In the experience of Dr. H. B. Hallbert this remedy has produced better results than any other remedy.Symphytum
For bones broken by injury or in fracture. It is an excellent remedy in fractures of bones whether simple or compound. Use IX or 1M potency.Ruta
Pain in long bones whether due to injury or rheumatism. It is also useful in injuries and fractures.Euphorbium
Burning pains in bones or in cancer like electric shocks. Swelling and suppuration of the submaxillary gland and necrosis of the bone. Pain in coccyx.Tamus
For outer application in bone pains. Use mother tincture.
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