It is indicated when the pains, which are of stitching, burning and stabbing nature in the pleura region are worse from motion. They are better when the patient is at rest or by lying on painful side.Ranunculus B
Inflammation of pleura with dropsy and adhesion. Pain or soreness of chest muscles. Head remedy for pleurisy. Cannot bear pressure or touch on the painful side.Aresenicum Alb
When there is great restlessness with thirst for small quantities of water at short, intervals and marked prostration. The pains are of burning character which are relieved by heat and warmth. Asthmatic breathing and dyspnoea.Aranea Dia, Ipec
andNux Vom
These remedies have been recommended in constitutional diseases by Dr. Clarke when the hydrogenoid constitution is present and the pleurisy is accompanied with intermittent fever, Give in third potency.Cantharis
It is a remedy for the second stage of pleurisy with extreme heat and burning in the chest. There is a large amount of effusion. There may be burning in rectum and anus.Belladonna
Pleurisy in children accompanied with convulsions. Congestive type.Apis Mel
Is indicated when the amount of exudation is large, but the inflammation is less as compared to that of Cantharis. Dyspnoea and suffocation due to the large amounts of fluid.Asclepias
These might be considered when Bryonia fails.Kali Carb
Chronic pleurisy with sharp stitching, wandering and burning pains with coldness of the chest. Cough and asthmatic breathing with 3 A.M. aggravation. Pain worse on motion or by lying on painful side. Temporarily relieved by cold application.Stannum
With knife like stitches, worse on bending forward and mostly on the left side.Arsensic Iod
Purulent pleurisy with great prostration worse on expiration. Sharp suppressed cough.Hepar Sulph
When there is accumulation of pus. The hectic fever and emaciation are pronounced with repeated attacks of chilliness, fever and sweats, prolonged suppuration.Sulphur
Chronic pleuritic effusion with shortness of breath, oppression of the chest and debility. Psorinum is specially called for when there is offensive; breath and pus exceedingly putrid.Silicea
Indolent suppuration of the pleura lasting over a long period with fthin, offensive pus, slow emaciation.
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