Is the head remedy in the treatment of tuberculosis. It has special affinity for lungs and long bones. The patient is hollow chested or chicken-breasted and may spit blood. Hoarse, voilent tickling cough worse when laughing or talking with oppression of chest. Never use this remedy below 30.Tuberculinum
This is an intercurrent remedy and should be given 200 or higher potencies every week or fortnight according as the strength of the remedy is 200 or 1000. It should only be administered in small globules —four or five globules a dose. It is better if in a one drachm phial small globules are saturated with the medicine by putting two or three drops thereof. In drop doses the medicine is likely to aggravate the diseasse with fatal results at times.Ars. Iod
Is the best remedy when the exciting cause has been flu or grippe. Weakness and emaciation are the ranking symptoms. There is intense thirst, but cold water causes distress in the stomach, and the patient, therefore, wants to take hot drinks.Iodum
This remedy is called for when the glands are affected. The patient is usually of dark complexion, has a dry, unhealthy skin and runs high temperature. Emaciation is slow and the cough persistent and annoying.Calcarea Iod
Is indicated when the mesenteric glands are involved. Great emaciation; nothing but skin and bone; abdomen enormously distended; glands being large and nodular; stools frequent, green or of varying colour accompanied by much flatus. The skin is very dry except during the night sweats. Potency 6 or 30 is generally used.Tuberculinum Bov
If given in 1000 or CM potency, it is said to be preventive and curative. Only one or two doses arc to be given in life at an interval of three to four months.Carbo Animalis
For the last stage of tuberculosis of lungs. Suffocative hoarseness, cough that shakes the entire brain, green purulent offensive mucus and pus. Offensive sputa — sweet, fetid and dyspnoea.Sabal Serr
Specific for laryngeal tuberculosis.Gallicum Acid
When accompanied with pulmonary haemorrhage. Excessive expectoration and night sweats.Chin. Sulph
Consumption with -(1) loss in weight;
(2) cough persisting for years;
(3) pain in the face, right side, when cough ceases;
(4) worse damp weather;
(5) worse every fourth day.
In other words this remedy is good in tuberculosis of hydrogenoid constitutions.
andKali Nit
Fever returns in the evening with chill. Loss of weight, night sweats and slight cough. (At the end of three weeks after the continuous use of these medicines in alternation every two hours fever disappeared, but had a threatening of return after a year or so. Nux V. and Ars. alternation stopped this tendency).Stannum Iod. 3X
Tuberculosis in persons having a clear complexion and long eye lashes. Persistent cough excited by tickling in the throat.Vaccininum 200
As an intercurrent remedy for cough in tuberculosis.Osmium 200
When urine smells like violets, eructations like radishes, sweat like garlic. Irritation in respiratory tract.Lycopus Virg
Incipient phthisis (left apex affected) associated with looseness of bowels.Cocculus Ind
Laryngeal phthisis following bronchical catarrh.Helix Tosta. CM
When accompanied with haemoptysis, continuous hoarseness, dry tickling cough, worse at night preventing sleep. Dyspnoea, worse ascending stairs.Sulphur
In persons who are withered, sallow and debilitated. Cough harsh and dry, rather than moist and relaxed. Burning of feet and hands.' Should be given in high potency say 200 and not to be repeated, otherwise it may light up the tubercular state.Alstonia C
Slow fever with diarrhoea. Potency IX.Calcarea Phos
May be tried when the patient grows very weak. Give in IM dilution.Lachnanthes
Consumption with night sweat, dry cough, pain and stiffuess in back or neck, circumscribed flushes on.the face. Also in typhoid fever or typho-pneuraonia.Pix Liquida
In third stage of phthisis pulmonalis with expectoration of purulent matter, offensive odour and taste, accompanied by pain in left third costal cartilage.Guaiacum
In advanced stage of T.B. with pleuritic pains in left apex with oifensive purulent sputum.Betain 4 grains mixed with sugar of milk 96 grains
Give four times daily as much as lies on the end of table knife. It is said to be useful for tuberculosis.Yerba Santa
Bronchial T.B. with night sweats and wasting of the body due to frequent bronchial catarrhs.Saccharum Lactis
Diarrhoea in last stages of consumption.Stannum
Debility with copious green expectoration. Sweetish taste of sputum in tuberculosis. Chest feels weak; can hardly talk.Thuja
This should be given as an intercurrent remedy in patients who have suffered from gonorrhoea. Give in IM dilution.Syphilinum
An intercurrent remedy for patients who suffered from syphilis. Give in IM dilution.Coto-Bark
Chronic tubercular diarrhoea, very copious and exhausting. To be given in mother tincture in subs tantial doses.Drosera
Specific for Iarynge'al tuberculosis; T.B. of knee-joints or of other parts of the body.Silicea
Shocking cough with horribly smelling phlegm which sinks at the bottom of fluid; the phlegm is lumpy, yellow or green. Worse from cold wet weather and better in cold dry weather. Catarrhal form of phthisis.Lycopodium
Phthisis of children following measles and whooping cough with ill-developed neck and chest, dyspepsia, distention of abdomen, greenish expectoration and rattling of chest.Senecio
Phthisis with obstructed menses.
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