Inflammation of the Bones (Osteitis)


Inflammation of cranial bones.


Inflammation of long bones such as femur, tibia, humerus, etc. It may be due to syphilis.

Strontia Carb

Inflammation of the bones, particulary of the femur (thighbone), with ulcers which discharge more or less broken bones.


Periostitis and shifting pain in long bones, in neuralgia, in caries.

Aurum Met

It is a great remedy for bone pains.

Agaricus M

Pain in the bones of lower limbs.


Pains in the bones, worse at night; worse on touching parts, better in the open air.

Acid Phos

Burning at night due to mercurial, syphilitic or scrofulous poison.


Inflammation of the bones due to injury.


Inflammation of bones due to fracture or injury.

Hecla Lava

For big bony overgrowths any where in the body. It may be in jaw or elsewhere.