
(See also "writers cramps")

Benzoic Acid

Cracking of joints when moving.

Rhus Tox

Is the head remedy for cramps which are worse at rest and better by movements. Cracking of joints in motion.

Calcarea Carb

Cramps worse at night in bed, and on streching the legs in bed.

Cuprum Met

Severe cramps, especially in calves.

Secale Cor

Cramps in calves. Give In 200 potency.


Tonic spasms; cracking of joints; inflexibility of joints. Spasms acute or chronic.

Calcarea Phos

Cramps in the calves. Stinging and shooting in the toes.

Magnesia Phos

Cramps, stiffness, numbness, awkwardness, deadness of nerves, from prolonged exertion. Writer's cramps due to long use of hands and fingers.

Natrum Phos

Cramps in calves and feet; cramps in hands when writing; cracking in joints.


Cramps with icy coldness of limbs.