(Inflammation of one or more vertebrae)
Calcarea Fluor
Indurated cervical glands, cellular tissues. Calcareous deposits; stony hardness. Synovail swellings. Vertige. Lumbago. Cracking in joints, patient is sensitive to cold, damp weather; worse during rest! ameliorated by heat.Gnaphalium
Giddy feeling especially on rising up. Numbness of limbs alternating with pain. Sharp cutting pain in anterior crural nerve. Tearing pain in thighs, in sciatic nerve. Aggravation on lying down. Relieved when sitting.Medorrhinum
Vertigo when stooping. Stiff neck. Spasms of neck muscles. Numbness in limbs. Burning pain, weight and pressure in vertex. Burning of hands and feet. Nerves quiver and tingle. Oedema of limbs. Pains intolerable. Excruciating neuralgia; worse from day-light to sun-set. Better at sea-shore; lying on stomach.Rhododendron
Tension and drawing in muscles of nape of neck. Stiff neck; rigidity of nape. Tearing in shoulders and back. Tingling and heaviness of arms and tips of fingers as if there is no circulation of blood.Ledum
Tearing pain in shoulders, hands and arms on raising or moving arms. Stinging in hands. Drawing and tearing in arms. Numbness and sensation of torpor in extremities.Flouric Acid
Rigidity and pain in nape of neck. Weakness, lameness and numbness of fore-arms and neck. Pricking pain in fingers. Difficulty in writing. Stiches in hip-bones and under the soles of feet. Legs fall asleep. This medicine is used for softening and absorbing of nodes and other abnormal growth of bones.Causticum
Swelling of cervical glands. Tension and Stiffness in nape of neck. Pain in shoulder-blades. Pulling and pain in arms and hands. Paralytic feeling in right hand.Caulophyllum
Stiffness of nape of neck. Pulling in sternocleidomastoid drawing head to left. Fingers very stiff and drawing, Cutting pain when closing hand.Actea Spicata
Lame feeling in arms particularly right arm. Paralytic weakness and pain of hands. Palms very sensitive to pressure.
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