

In crops; wart-like excrescenses on back of head, on chin, etc. Flat black warts, large seedy, peduncula-ted; sometimes oozing moisture and bleeding readily.

Calcarea Carb

Small, horny warts in large numbers with itching and stinging; inflamed; ulcerated.


Hard, painful, throbbing warts.

Natrum Mur

Warts on the palms.

Kali Mur

Warts on the hands.


Warts on margin of prepuce; on the body; large hard black warts.


Warts soft at base, horny on surface; warts on arms and hands, on eyelids and face. Many very small warts.

Ruta G

Warts with sore pains; flat; smooth on palms of hands.


Warts on back of hands.


Figwarts, dry pedunculated, cauliflower like, after abuse of mercury.

Nit Acid

Warts, condylomata, sycotic, or syphilitic, large jagged, pedunculated, bleeding readily on washing, moist oozing; sticking pain.

Magnesia Sulph

Warts on entire face.


Figwarts with intolerable itching and burning; excuberant granulations.

Ferrum Pic,

Multiple warts. Hands covered with warts; specific for corns.

Nat. Carb

Warts on palms of hands; sore to touch.