Perspiration (Sweat)
Calcarea Carb
Perspiration in flabby persons or children which wets the pillow. It is a constitutional remedy. Debilitating sweat. Sweating of head during sleep. Sweat in spots- When feet become cold, they sweat.Silicea
Head remedy for perspiration, especially on palms of hands and soles of feet. Sweat with foul smell.Sambucus
During waking hours, non-debilitating. Stops as soon as falls asleep.Magnesia Mur
Footsweat or burning in soles of feet.Veratrum Alb
Burning whilst in cold sweat. Chill and heat alternating. Cold sweat ordinarily on face.Magnesia Carb
Sour perspiration.Petroleum
Perspiration offensive, especially in axilla. It can be observed as soon as the patient enters the room, it is so offensive.Benzoic Acid
Perspiration on the side not lain on. Uric acid in urice, highly coloured and very offensive urine like that of horse's urine.Tarent
Profuse sweat from music.Conium
Sweats as soon as one sleeps whether during the day or night, or even on closing the eyes. (Reverse of Sambucus).Mercurius
Profuse perspiration when walking; perspiration day and night though more during night, fatty, oily and offensive perspiration soaking the bed clothes. Offensiveness runs all through, offensive urine, stool and sweat, it has a strong, sweetish and penetrating odour. Anxiety and cold sweet while eating.Lachesis
Sweat with palpitation of heart; bloody sweat.Aconite N
Cold sweat on palms of hands. Perspiration on the side Iain on.Kali Carb
Perspiration in painful parts.Hepar Sul
Cold and foul footsweat.Pulsatilla
Sweat only on one part of the body. Similarly heat only of one part of the body whilst the other part is cold.Salicylic Acid
Copious foul smelling sweat of feet. Sensation as if feet is to perspire.Sanicula
Sweating of head at night in emaciated children with offensive footsweat. Sweat on covered parts only (opposite of Thuja). Sweating of hands when put together.Tuberculinum
Perspiration from mental exertion, stains linen yellow. Night sweats. Sensitive to change in weather, to cold, damp, warm or rainy weather. Worse before a storm.Nitric Acid
Profuse sweat of hands and feet.Ant. Tart
Profuse sweat on affected parts.Tellurium
Offensive footsweat.Naphthaline
Exhausting nightsweats, during the day thin offensive diarrhoea.
Carbo Ani
Sweat stains yellow.Graphites
Sweat stains yellow, sour, offensive.Belladonna
Perspiration on covered parts.Psorinum
Perspiration on least exertion.Staph
Sweat smelling of rotten eggs. Night sweats in patients bordering on consumption.Osmium
Axillary sweat like garlic.Jaborandi
Profuse perspiration beginning on the face and head and extending all over the body and followed by coldness of extremities and terminating in vomiting of sour mucus.Aconite Lycotonum
Sweat on hands.Laurocerasus
Sweat in cold patients in warm room relieved by walking in open air.Aurum Met
Perspiration with thick urine which is cloudy and very fetid.Croton T
Bloody sweat.Chininum Ars
Profuse and exhausting sweat when asleep.Ignatia
Sweat on the face on a small spot only while eating.Caladium
Sweetish odour of perspiration which attracts flies.Thuja
Sweat on uncovered parts of the body and no sweat on covered parts. Sweat about genitalia offensive. Sweat oily, sweetish, fetid. Sweat on the side not lain on.Natrum Mur
Sweats whilst eating.Chamomilla
The face sweats after eating or drinking.Fluoric Acid
Hands and feet constantly bathed in perspiration.
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