Neuralgia — Facial
Magnesia Carb
Facial neuralgia occurring for three to four days after a week or so. It has shooting pains. Neuralgia of the left side of the face; during night driving him out of bed; better by keeping in constant motion and worse by stopping motion.Colocynthis
Pains brought on by excitement or vaxation which come in waves and are better from heat, from pressure and are worse during rest. Left sided neuralgia. Distortion of face during pain. Pain in the cheek bones, infra orbital nerve.Belladona
Violent pains with red face, flushing eyes, hot head and great senitiveness of the part to touch. Right sided neuralgia caused by cold.Magnesia Phos
Tearing and shooting pains like lightning along the nerves which are relieved by heat and pressure. Violent supra-and infra-orbital pains.Cedron
Supra-orbital neuralgia when the periodcity is well marked.Mezerium
When the pains are relieved by heat of stove (no other heat applied wet or dry relieves) and aggravated after eating. Pain in the left cheek running towards the ear, worse during night.Lachesis
When the pain is in the shin bone.Valeriana
When the pain is aggravated during rest.Aconite N
Pain with tingling of the affected parts.Spigelia
Left sided with severe burning and sticking pains which are intolerable.Sulphur
Facial neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, neuralgia of the fifth cerebal nerve which supplies the face.Colchicum
When accompained with paralytic weakness of the muscles but lacks the severity of Spigelia.Syphilinum
When neuralgia is worse at night. It has also paralysis of one side of the face. Give very high (1,000 or CM.).Argentum Nit
For supra and infra orbital pains.Stannum
When the pains come in lightly, increasing gradually to a very high degree and decreasing slowiy; supra orbital.Chamomilla
When the pain is intolerable and very severe. It is accompained with tooth-ache, earache and pain in the neck.Platina
Cramping pains associated with coldness and numbness.Plantago Major
Is very useful in almost all kinds of neuralgias as a local application of mother tincture.Kali Iod
Excessive sensitiveness of the surface; inveterate cases; syphilitic.Verbascum
With intolerable drawing in the ear; pain in flashes excited by the least movement; clenching the teeth or touching them with the tongue; face red, acrid eructations.Sanguinaria C
Neuaralgia of face relieved by kneeling down and pressing head firmly against floor; pain extends to all directions from the upper jaw.Staphisagria
Pro sopalgia. The touching of lips with spoon or fork will cause seve re pain shooting from lip to face.
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