From cold.Pulsatilla
When Aconite fails and there is thick bland discharge (yellowish or greenish) from the ears.Belladonna
Digging, boring and tearing pain\which comes suddenly and is very severe. It is the remedy for pain which is too violent for "Pulsatilla".Silicea
Suppuration of ear with caries and necrosis of the bones with offensive discharge containing small pieces of bone.Hepar Sulphur
When there is an abscess or boil in the ears. Sensa on of stopping up of the ear, then bursting and pressure in the ear and then perforation of eardrum.Act. Spic
Twitching pain in ears when blowing nose or sneezing.Chamomiila
When the pain is intolerable, worse by warmth and at night. Almost specific for earache in children.Gelsemium
Earache during menopause. The ear feels hot and full.Tarentula His
When snapping cracking pain associated with hiccough.Kali Mur
With swelling of ear-gland and cracking noises in ears when swallowing.Manganum
When pain shoots from ear to teeth.Spigelia
Earache when due to collection of ear-wax which presses the superficial nerves.Capsicum
Earache worst at night. Threatened mastoid abscess. Otitis media, with rupture of the membrane tympani. Soreness of the mastoid portion of ihe temporal bone with bursting headache and chilliness. The ears are hot and pain goes to the throat.Osmium
Ears pain when nose is blown.Magnesia Phos
Is indicated in purely nervous earache.Aurum Ars
Discharge from the ear fetid, offensive, purulent, thick and yellow. Pain in the ear, behind the ear, inside the ear, burning and stitching. Hearing acute at first for noise, later impaired and finally lost.Aethusa
Earache better by putting finger in the ear or by widening the ear with the fingers.
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