Diseases of Ears and Hearing
Otorrhoea (Discharge from the ears)
Kali Bich
When the discharge from the ear is sticky.Hepar Sulph
When it is caused by an abscess in the ear; perforation in the ear is also cured by this remedy.Psorinum
It should be given in cases where the above remedies have failed to act. Fetid discharge from the ear.Aurum Met
Where there is even entire loss of the drum of the ear and decay of the bones. Foul smelling discharge. Obstinate otorrhoea. Humming, buzzing and rushing in ears.Tellurium
It has curred otorrhoea of long standing in sixth potency; higher dilutions having failed. Discharge fetid, smelling like fish brine stained with blood, thin and watery serum with excoriation and blistering.Pulsatilla
When the discharge is bland and is of yellowish or greenish colour.Graphites
Discharge glutinous, fetid, and sticky, honey coloured and blistering where the discharge touches the skin. The patient is susceptible to cold and exposure which cause increase in the discharge and enlargement of tonsils.Scarlatinum
When following scarlet fever.Streptococcin
When discharge is due to streptococcal infection. Give 200 dilution.Gaertner
In septic condition when the child is thin and weak with flabby muscles and pallid complexion, mentally restless and fears darkness and solitude.Hydrastis
Muco purulent discharge which is accompanied or has been preceded by a general catarrh of the entire mucus membrance.Viola Odorata
Murmuring and tikling before ears. Brings on discharge that has stopped or heals a discharge in a few days. (Discharges of both ears with deafness cured with one dose of Q.).Calcarea Carb
Muco-purulent bland discharge of white colour.Silicea
Discharge offensive due to caries of bones. It contains small pieces of bones.Mercurius
In suppuration of middle ear with thin and acrid discharge especially in syphilitic ear condition. Hardness of hearing due to swollen tonsils. Profuse green, thick, acrid pus and fetid discharge from the ears.Aethusa
Yellow discharge from right ear with stitching pain which is relieved by inserting the fingers and drawing the parts as under.Nitric Acid
Yellowish white discharge from the ear with lachrymation from the eyes, puffy face and urine smelling like horse's urine.Sanicula
Fish brine discharge from the ear.Elaps Corallinus
Yellow or green discharge from the ears.Calcarea Sul
Offensive and purulent discharge from the ears with thick and bloody pus.Carbonium Sulph
Discharge front the ears bloody, fetid, offensive and purulent. Redness of the ears. Eruption behind ears. Noises in ears.Kali Iod
Copious, thick, green discharge from tne ear. The patient is a hot patient better in cold.
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