Kali Mur
Head remedy for noises such as of moving of a train, voices of birds, etc. Snapping and cracking on swallowing or blowing of nose.Kali Iod
Singing and hissing in the ears as of rain on roof or river sweeping by.Kali SuIph.
andBaryta Mur
Noises in the ears when chewing.Kreosote
Noises during menses.Ferrum Met.
andVeratrum Alb
Noises before mensesLedum Pal
Noises in the ear like ringing of bells or like a storm of wind. Roaring in the ears, as fromwind.Alumina
Crackling noises in the ears when chewing.Aloe
Sudden explosion and clashing in left ear just before going into bed as from breaking of glass — a peculiar symptom.Viscum Alb
Noises in the ears with catarrhal deafness.Nitric Acid
Roaring in ears. Cracking when chewing.Mancinella
Feels as if ears are closed. Ringing, roaring, drumming noise — like voices in ears.Muriaticum Acidum
Whizzing noises in ears.Graphites
Cracking or noise like the explosion of a gun.Baryta Carb
Reverbation of noises when blowing nose. Cracking noises with hardness of hearing.Cannabis Indica
Noises in ears.Dulcamara
Noises of buzzing character which come on at nighttime.Causticum, Lycopodium, Phosphorus
Echoes and re-echoes. Hears his own voice echoing and re-echoing.
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