Neuralgia (Pain affecting nerves)
Aresenicum Alb
When the cause is malaria and the paroxysms come at regular intervals. Burning is the ranking symptom. The left supra-orbital and left sciatica are the nerves most frequently affected.Magnesia Phos
It has preference on the right side. It may affect any section of the nerve supply, of the eye, ear, ovary or leg. An anti-spasmodic remedy. Excruciating pain with contraction of muscles. Better by hot application, pressure or going to a dark place.Agaricus M
It is useful for tic-douloureux or other forms of facial neuralgia. The pains are tearing, lancinating, sharp and always severe. The pains are excited by the least touch, always accompanied by twitching of the muscles. Stiffness and coldness of the tissues in which twitching occurs.Belladonna
When the attacks come on suddenly and go suddenly. Aggravation by noise, light and concussion and also by currents of air. Neuralgia of tri-facial nerve. Sharp cutting pains in the right superior and inferior maxillary region.Chamomila
It is indicated when every nerve is crying for morphine, cocaine or even coffee of which the patient has been deprived, For unbearable pains, odontalgia (toothache) and ovaralgia (pain in ovaries.)Argentum Met
Rending, tearing painsin joints along the nerves and in the cartilages. Worse during cold, damp and stormy weather. Better on movement. Although tired and exhausted, yet the pains are so severe that they drive him to walk.Argentum Nit
Rending, tearing pain down the extremities as in locomotor ataxia, fulgurating, shooting pains. Wants cold air, cold room, drinks like icecream. Worse by warmth.Stannum Met
Neuralgic pains which begin gradually, increase steadily and then diminishing gradually. Aversion to any work. If the pain is suppressed it will result in phthisis. It is the remedy for women where violent neuralgia had stopped and then copious yellow, green leucorrhoea started thus saving her from phthisis.Colocynthis
Acts best upon the nerves of abdominal organs. The pains are cutting, twisting and grinding, better by pressure, doubling up and walking about. Neuralgia caused by unripe fruits, mixed drinks especially cold drinks. Neuralgia in the head, the eyes, down the spine in the intestines after anger or bad humour. In some cases there is numbness, pricking and tingling like the crawling of ants in the affected part. Sciatica pain left side for which use 200 dilution.China Off
Neuralgia due to repeated haemorrhages, long continuous lactation or repeated attacks of intermittent fever. It is indicated when the pain is in the infra-orbital and supra-maxillary branches of fifth nerve. It is aggravated by least touch or draughts of air. Periodicity is marked.Thuja
Violent stitching pain along the nerve and in the teeth with sensation of coldness in the mouth and twitching of the upper lip. Left sided facial neuralgia.Xanthoxvlum
Shooting neuralgic pain as from electricity all over limbs. Ovarian neuralgia.Mezereum
Best remedy for ciliary neuralgia following herpes of the lips and orbits, when the cause is carious teeth. Numbness in the region of the pain. Twitching of the muscles of the cheeks is also prominent. Worse by heat and touch.Phosphorus
For prosopoplegia (facial neuralgia) when (he cause is great mental exertion or excitement. The pains are burning, tearing and drawing. Every movement of the facial muscles aggravates the pain. Vertigo and all sorts of noises accompany the pain.Bryonia
Has an affinity for the ulnar nerve of the right aim. Over-exerlion and movement aggravate the pains. Aching pain in the arm above the elbow. Neuralgia with inordinate chilliness after anger or bad humour.Natrum Mur
When the paroxyms return between 9 and 11 a.m. Obstinate constipation and dryness of the skin. Pain worse at sea-side and when taking too much of salt.Capsicum, Pulsatilla
For otalgia (Earache)Arnica M., Staphisagria
For odontalgia (Toothache).Scutellaria
For neuralgic headaches.Kali Cyanatum
Agonizing pains between temporal region and ciliary arch and maxilla. Pain in left upper jaw also cured. Intractable severe pain in head due to brain tumor. Give in 1000 or higher dilutions.Kali Iod
Neuralgia over the left eye with soreness of head.Magnesia Carb
Toothache with nausea in pregnant women.Spigelia
Neuralgia of the left side, left eye, left orbit and in the left brachial plexus, pains shooting, burning, tearing, as if hot needles are passing through the face and neck. Pains in the neck and shoulder are better from heat, those about the eyes are better from cold.Rhus Tox
Neuralgic pain due to exposure or when drenched in water after perspiring. Pains are worse on first movement and better by subsequent movements or when walking.Nux Vom
Caused by drinking or abuse of alcohol. Pains are fierce, terrible, excruciating, cutting, griping and scraping. Indigestion, vomiting and belching, diarrhoea or constipation, worse by cold water and in the morning. Facial neuralgia in gouty persons accompanied with a feeling of chilliness.Kali Bi
Neuralgia every day at the same hour.Plumbum
Multiple neuritis with terrible drawing cramping pains which begin from the abdomen and radiate to all parts of the body. Constipation, stool hard, balls like sheepdung.Sanguinaria C
For neuralgia on right side with symptoms as in Spigelia.Ruta
Stinging, tearing and burning pains. Worse by cold and by lying down. Chronic pains are ordinarily covered by this remedy.Lycopodium
Sciatica pain. Give in 200 or CM potency.Gnaphalium
Specific for sciatica pain worse by rest and on first movement.Ignatia
Neuralgia after bad humor.Nat. Sulph
Sycotic neuralgia. Sudden pain in the hip joint when walking.Valeriana
Nervous pains aggravated by rest.Strontium Carb
An excellent remedy for surgical shocks.Hura Braziliensis
The harder the pain the more the patient laughs, a peculiar symptom. May call it laughing neuralgia.Cimicifuga
Severe pain which subsides with the setting of the sun and appears again as soon as the day begins. Give one dose in 200 dilution. The patient is depressed but talkative. Worse by taking alcohol.
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