Angina Pectoris
Amyl Nitrate
In acute attacks when the heart's action is rapid and tumultuous; feeling of a band round the head; constriction about the heart and oppressed breathing; face flushed. Weakness and tremor of limbs. Anxiety and apprehension.Cactus
In organic disease of the heart resulting in angina pectoris when there is a feeling of contriction, contraction and congestion of heart. Fluttering palpitation and prostration.Glonoine
When there is throbbing all over the body with pain radiating from the heart. Hard breathing with fluttering of the heart.Crataegus
Sudden and terrible pain on the left side of the chest radiating over the heart and the left arm; despondent and fearing death. Five drops a dose of mother tincture in water with or immediately after meals. Head remedy for all heart diseases.Lachesis
Cramp like pain with fainting. Palpitation of heart and choking from slightest anxiety. Feels as if heart hanging by a thread and every beat would tear it off. Stiches in region of heart.Naja
Severe pain in region of heart extending to nape of neck, left shoulder and arm with anxiety and fear of death. Fluttering and palpitation. Pulse slow and irrgular.Aconite A
useful heart remedy when there is mental anxiety, fear of death, oppression and palpitation. Numbness in left arm and tingling in fingers.Arsenicum Alb
A good remedy for angina pectoris. Violent and insupportable throbbing of heart chiefly when lying on back and especially after 12 a.m. Fatty degeneration - hydropericardium, restless, oedemas.Spigelia
Palpitation and sharp stitches in heart, pulse weak and irregular or full and bounding with aggravation from motion.Magnesia Phos
It lessens attacks of angina and relieves pains. Give in hot water in 6X trituration.Cimicifuga
Severe pains when the heart's action suddenly ceases and the patient becomes unconscious, pulse weak and feeble.
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