Veins (Varicose, including varicocele)
As a preventive; also when the affected parts are bluish with soreness and stinging pain. Head remedy for varicose veins.Formica
When there is debility.Fluoric Acid
Old standing cases. Obstinate, especially in women, who have produced many children. Varicose veins and varicose ulcers especially of lower extremities.Pyrogenium
Varicose ulcers. Ulcerated legs which discharge freely and are extremely painful.Arsenic Alb
Burning like fire particularly at night.Nux Vom
During pregnancy due to high living.Hamamelis
With stinging and pricking pain (Lotion of Hamamelis may also be applied locally in all cases of varicose veins).Vipera
Worse on letting the affected part hang down, as if it would burst with fullness. Bursting feeling is the keynote of this remedy.Belladonna
Varicose veins in plethoric persons whereblood rushes to the head. Throbbing pain in veins.Magnetis Polus Aust
Throbbing pain in the legs when hanging down with the feeling of hot water running down the affected part. Fainting on walking.Lachesis
Inflammation of veins of the leg during pregnancy.Millefolium
Most useful remedy in varicose veins; especially when the capillaries are spongy and enlarged. Veins break easily when congested. Wounds bleed easily and much. Varicose veins during pregnancy when painful. Varicose veins of legs ulcerate and bleed in pregnant woman.Sulphur
Veins ulcerate, rupture and bleed. Varicose of the extremities. It should be tried as an intercurrent remedy when other remedies, only partially cure or fail to cure.
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