Heart Diseases (In General)
Pulse full, irregular, very slow in the beginning and weak intermitting every third, fifth or seventh beat, sensation as if heart would stop beating if she moved. Dropsy due to heart diseases. Heavy breathing worse by lying. Flabby heart with anaemia. Lassitude, faintness, exhaustion and extreme prostration Horrible dreams and sinking in the stomach. Fear of going to sleep as it will cause suffocation.Storplanthus
For dilated heart with palpitation and anaemia. Functional disturbances of the heart from alcohol, tobacco and tea. Dyspnoea with oedema of lungs and/or of feet. It also cures vomiting, cough, haemoptysis and dropsy if due to or accompanied heart troubles. Insufficiency of the heart without constriction.Laurocerasus
Heart failure due to abuse of Digitalis.Collinsonia
Diseases of the heart with spells of faintness, oppression, difficult breathing, associated with haemorrhoids (piles). The heart symptoms coming on when bleeding ceases.Apocynum
Dropsy due to heart diseases. Tricuspid regurgitation.Lycopus Virg
Palpitation, slow pulse, diffiqult to goon higher level like staircases, etc.Cactus G
Angina pectoris with constriction and general weakness of the heart and prostration. Feeling as if the heart is twisted with an iron band tighter and tighter. Contraction and congestion of the heart with rush of blood to the head and coldness of the extremities. Unequal circulation of blood in the body, the chest or the heart. Cardiac insufficiency with constriction.Bovista
Heart feels enormously large with oppression of the chest and palpitation after a meal or during menstruation. Associated with these troubles there may be headaches deep in the brain wilh a feeling as if the head were enormously large and swollen.Gelsemium
Weakness of the heart muscles with,feeling that heart will stop beating. On going to sleep the patient is suddenly aroused by a feeling that heart will stop beating. Must keep on moving or heart will stop. Pulse frequent, soft, weak and almost imperceptible.Grindolia
Weakness of heart and lungs. When the patient goes to sleep he wakes up suddenly with sensation as if respiration has ceased.Magnolia
Oppression of the chest with inability to expand lungs. Distressed feeling after taking food. Suffocated feeling when walking fast or lying on left side. Dyspnoea. Crampy pain in heart. Angina pectoris. Endocarditis and paricarditis. Tendency to faint. Sensation as if heart stopped beating. Pain in heart accompanied by itching. Rheumatic heart.Cicuta Vir
Trembling, palpitation of heart. Feels as if heart stopped beating, sometimes with faint feeling.Lachesis
Constriction of heart on walking. Purple bloated face with dropsy and enlarged liver. Worse during, and after sleep. Afraid to go to sleep because of aggravation.Phosphorus
. Fatty degeneration of the heart. Heart dilated. Palpitation worse by lying on left side.Crataegus
An excellent remedy for impending heart failure. Faintness and collapse. Hypertrophy and valvular diseases. Palpitation and rapid action of heart. Angina pectoris.Aurum Met
An excellent remedy for rheumatic htart, when the pain wanders from joint to joint and is finally located in the heart. It affects valves with numbness and tingling pain in the left arm. Chronic aoritis.Arsenic Iod
One of the remedies for septic endocarditis and pericarditis and for dropsical condition of the heart with general eodema and puffiness about the eyes and feet. Heart irregular and pulse intermittent.Scuttellaria
Weak heart due to smoking.Phaseolus Nana
Weak and unsound heart. Pulse intermittent and weak. Cured heart failure when no other stimulant helped.Cereus Bon
Agonizing and convulsive pains in the heart.Lycopodium
For low blood pressure and weakness. Water - brash, flatulence and distension of abdomen after eating. Feeble heart, poor circulation and low blood pressure. Palpitation even in bed, worse after eating.Naja
Mitral constriction with anginous pain. Feeling of weight on heart. Angina pains extending to nape of neck, left shoulder and arms, fear of death. Low tension.Crocus:
Uncontrollable laughter with sensation as if something jumping or pain of jumping character. Stitches and shocks with sensation as if something was hopping and jumping in the chest.Merc. Viv
Endocarditis effusion into joints and pericardium, white tongue, heavy perspiration with aggravation of symptoms during night.Ignatia
Palpitation of heart caused by worriment. 6ive in 1 M dilution.Thyroidinum
Heart pain and palpitation with enlargement of thyroid gland. Unable to lie flat. Nervous with fits of hysteria or epilepsy. Rheumatic heart with squeezing pains. Unable to lie down. Severe type of agina pectoris.Carbo Veg
Heart trouble due to indigestion or wind in the upper part of the abdomen.Thuja
Heart disease due to vaccination or excessive vaccination.Iberis
Palpitation and breathlessness on slightest motion; soft and intermittent pulse; pain and dullness down the left arm. Vertigo, cold hands and feet. Choking in the throat. Nervousness. Symptoms worse at night or towards morning.Oxalic Acid
Palpitation alternates with loss of voice. Trembling, convulsions, loss of sensation; numbness of the body and limbs, fingers and lips; paralysis of the limbs due to the affection of the heait, spinal cord and brain. Violent pains, cutting, shooting, stitching, tearing; sores,and bruises all over the body — Difficult breathing.Adonis Vernalis
Mitral and aortic regurgitation. Chronic aortitis. Palpitation. Dyspnoea. Fatty heart pericarditis.Adrenalin 200
Heart failure.Kalhnia L
Is useful when rheumatism goes to the heart or when heart trouble is accompanied with rheumatism.Colchicum
This may be tried when Kalmia L. fails.Convallaria
Palpitation of heart with soreness in the uterine region. With the last symptom Dr. Nash cured a case of cardiac dropsy with 30th dilution of the remedy.Cactus G
andAurum Met
In valvular diseases with numbness and tingling in the left arm.Mercurius Cyanatus
Ulccrative endocarditis with rapid heart failure from malignant cardiac disease.Lilium Tigrinum
Sensation as if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice with blood going to heart producing a feeling to bend double. Pain in heart.Arnica M
For coronary heart disease with body cold and head hot. Wants to be left alone. Is morose, irritable, sad, fearful, easily frightened. Sudden fear of death coming on during night.Sscale Cor
Anginal pain and hypertension with numbness and coldness of extremities.Medorrhinum
Difficulty of breathing due to oppression of chest. Fluttering about heart, palpitation on light exercise. Sharp, quick and dull pains in heart. Burning in heart.
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