Blood Pressure High (Hypertension)
It is the head remedy for high blood - pressure. The patient is worse on waking. Sleeps into an aggravation. Restlessness. Cannot bear tight clothes, wants to loosen them. It should be tried first and will help majority of cases. Give in IM potency.Aurum Met
When due to suppressed anger or resentment. Over sensitiveness; roaring in head; vertigo; violeni headache; fear of death. Palpitation, hopelessness and despondency.Aconite
Palpitation; great anxiety; heat of body. Shooting in heart region. Fainting with tingling. Pulse full, strong, hard.Allium Sativa
Suitable for fleshy patients who eat a great deal especially non - vegetarians. Has vaso-dilatory properties. Alterial hypotension or fall in blood pressure begins usually in 30 to 45 minutes after 20 to 40 drop doses of tincture.Strophanthus
Useful for aged in heart trouble dependent on kidney diseases. Irritable heart with tense arteries and a free discharge of urine. Increases systole and diminishes the rapidity of heart.Plumbum Met
When accompanied with constipation and timidity.Natrum Mur
It reduces blood-pressure in patients who have craving for salt and who worry a lot. Suppressed anger. Give in 200 or higher dilutions.Carbo Animalis
With obstinate occipital headaches.Gelsemium
When due to sudden shock provoked by bad news. Give in 1M dilution.Ignatia
When due to emotions, disappointed love, and/or to grief. Give in 200 dilution.Glonoine
Lassitude; no inclination to work. Irritability and excitement by opposition end in congestive headache. Rush of blood to head and heart. Pulsating pains. Fluttering heart. Constipation with itching heamorrhoids.Baryta Muriaticum
Arterio-sclerosis and cerebral affection in the aged. Vertigo and noises in the ears. Increased tension of pulse. Icy cold body with paralysis. Thickening of arteries with cardiac dilatation and bronchial affectation in old persons.Veratrum Viride
Full - blooded plethoric patients who are quarrelsome. Prostration. Pulse hard and full with congestive symptofas.Belladonna
Violent palpitation, prolonged echoing sound in head with laboured breath. Palpitation from least exertion. Throbbing all through the body. Skin flushed and hot. Anxiety or fear; no thirst. Vertigo with falling on the left side or backward. Worse from touch, noise, jar and lying down.Arsenic Alb
Restlessness with puffiness of the eyes and swelling of the feet. Difficulty of breathing. Suffocation at night on lying down. Worse going upstairs.Thuja
High blood pressure, particularly associated with poor arterial wall. Personal and parental history shows coronary thrombosis.Adrenalin
High arterial blood pressure. Roaring in the ears due to high blood pressure.
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