(See also "URINATION")
Aconite Nap
In acute cases with high fever and hot and dry skin; thirst; fear; restlessness; constant burning pain in bladder; urination painful and difficult. Children cry out and grasp genitalia with hand.Apis M
Has cured good many cases more frequently in women than men; urine scanty, opaque and bloody.Cantharis
Intolerable burning pain in bladder; spasmodic pain along urethra and perineum, extending to testes, which afe drawn up, burning in glans, orifice red; urination difficult, passed by drops, with excessive scalding and straining before, during and after urination. Urine scanty and bloody; priapism; restlessness, fever with thirst, but drinking or sight of water produces aggravation of all symptoms. Acute infectious cases.Dulcamara
Catarrh of the bladder from taking cold in damp weather. Constant desire to urinate felt deep in abdomen with an unpleasant sensation of bearing down towards the vesical region and urethra. Urine passed involuntarily. Urine scanty, fetid, turbid, oily, containing tough jelly-like white or red mucus mixed with blood; urine milky, fetid or muco-purulent, reddish, burning. Emission drop by drop, slimy sediment. Many old men with very bad cystitis but not greatly enlarged prostate received great relief with this remedy.Terebinth
Very dark bloody urine which deposits slimy,. thick muddy sediment.Equisetum
Highly coloured and scanty urine which is. passed frequently with pain and depositing mucus sediment.Berberis Vul
Urine with thick mucus and bright red mealy sediment.Copaiva
Chronic cystitis, especially in women, with retention of urine in dropsy; constant ineffectual desire to urinate.
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