(See also
(Retention of some harmful substance in the blood which is normally secreted by the kidneys, causing suppression of urine, convulsions, coma, etc.)
Acute uremia in full-blooded and healthy patients when kidney ceases to function and urine becomes dark and turbid. Twitching of the muscles with violent convulsions.
Uremia with unconsciousness, pupils dilated and insensible to light; convulsions; strong urinous
odour from the body.
Uremic delusions with sense of persecution. Suppression of urine with restlessness, flushed face, sparkling eyes. Urge to pass urine but nothing is voided, there being no urine in the bladder.
Cuprum Ars
Acute form of uremia with diarrhoea, cholera infantum or indigestion. The patient may be suffering from diabetes in which case urine suddenly becomes scanty, dark red with strong odour of garlic.
Urtica Urens
Uremia with suppression of urine with body having highly urinous odour. Give in 5 drop doses of mother tincture in hot water.
Uremic coma with a pulling sensation at the navel. Urine suppressed; no urine in the bladder; face deathly pale, breathing slow. Give single dose in IM potency.
Uraemia with spasms and lock-jaw which may be occurring every fifteen minutes. Voilent convulsions producing most frightful episthotonos.
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