Burning in urine which is only passed drop by drop, with erections. Burning after urination.Staphisagria
Burning in urethra when not urinating. Burning stops while urinating.Natrum Carb
Burning after urination.Merc. Sol
Burning on beginning to urinate with urination every one hour day and night.Belladonna
Great irritation in the bladder with constant urge to urinate; burning along the whole length of urethra; sensitive to jar.Sulphur
Burning in urine with involuntary discharge of urine.Terebinth
Burning with suppression of urine. Burning during urination. Urine scanty and bloody.Pulsatilla
Burning before urination.Clematis
When last drop causes violent irritation and burning.DESIRE:
Lilium Tig
Constant desire with scanty urination. If not attended to, it gives a feeling of congestion in the chest.Equisetum
Constant urination, pain in bladder as if too full, not relieved by urination. The urine is scanty, contains much mucus. It is a wonderful remedy in cystic irritation of old men, characterised by a constant teasing desire to urinate with little or no relief thereafter. Excellent remedy for chronic cystitis. Great desire to urinate, but only a small quantity is passed.Sulphur
Irresistible desire to urinate on seeing running water, Give 1M potency.Petroselinum
Urgent desire to urinate. It may escape if not attended to quickly.Argentum Met
Urgent desire to stool and to urinate.Conium
Constant desire tourinate in uterine neuralgia.Natrum Mur
Great desire to urinate with scanty discharge;Thuja
Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, stream feeble, sensation as if a drop remained in urethra after urinating. Also vertigo with the above symptoms.Lyssin
Desire to pass urine on seeing running water.Cantharis
This should be tried if Lyssin fails.Absinthium
Constant desire to urinate, urine deep orange; of a strong smell like horse's urine.Staphisagria
Constant urging to urinate in young married women.Eryng Aq
Constant desire to pass urine about every half hour day and night. There is burning during and after passing urine.Difficult (dysuria):
Burning or scalding and painful emission of urine. It is passed drop by drop.Copaiva
Constant ineffectual desire; constraction of urethra, emission in drops. Special medicine for women. Chronic cystitis.Ignatia
Suppression of urine in hysterical cases.Apis Mel
Burning and soreness when urinating; frequent desire. Passes only a few drops. Urine scanty and highly coloured.Clematis
When flow is interrupted by sudden spasms of urethra. Flow by fits and starts, Mucus in urine but not pus. Beginning of inflammatory stricture.Conium
Urine stops suddenly and does not begin to flow for some moments.Camphor
In acute cases when due to poisoning or supression from cold. Give in low potency.Terebinth
Difficult urination with lumbago-like pain.Magnesia Mur
Urine can only be passed by pressing the abdominal muscles.Sarsaparilla
Great pain after passing urine. Can pass urine only when standing. It only dribbles down when sitting. Give in 1M potency every fortnight.Cannabis Ind
Burning or scalding before, during and after urination. Urging and straining but cannot pass a drop.Chimaphila Umbellata
Urine scalding and burning, sometimes voided in a large gush, at others in thready streams and towards the end drained off drop by drop.Prunus Spinosa
Must press the organs for a long time before urine passes. Urine seems to pass as far as glans and returns and causes pain in urethra.Hepar Sulph
Urination impeded. Obliged to wait before the urine is passed and then it flows slowly. Feels as if some urine always remains behind in bladder.Natrum Mur
Cannot pass urine in the presence of other persons. Cannot pass it in a public place.Muriaticum Acidum
Cannot urinate without having the bowels moved.Nux Vom
For spasmodic suppression. He must strain to urinate. There is tenesmus, urging. The bladder in full and the urine dribbles away, yet when he strains, it ceases to dribble.Ambra Grisea
Cannot pass urine in the presence of other persons. Bloody urine with red sediments.Alumina Silicate
Paralytic weakness of bladder; ineffectual urging to urinate. Discharge of mucus and pus from urethra; burning whilst urinating. Unsatisfactory feeling in the bladder after urination.Mere. Sulph
Difficulty in passing urine which is in thin stream. Sometimes bifurcated, burning and sometimes takes a long time to empty the bladder; sometimes a few drops of blood are passed at the end.Pareira
Urine passed only by going down on knees since confinement or two weeks previously. Must get down on all fours to urinate.Borax
Child screams before urinating (from inflammation of mucus membrane). Hot urine burns like fire.Alumina
Slowness in passing urine and stool owing to paralytic state of the rectum and bladder. Has to sit a long time before the flow starts with inability to pass, then stream flows slowly; cannot hurry the flow of urine. Sometimes urine is retained and it dribbles involuntarily. Urine voided while straining at stool or cannot pass urine without such straining.Enuresis (Involuntary urination–wetting the bed):
Wetting the bed unconsciously during first part of the night when blowing the nose; during night when cold; during coughing, laughing or sneezing. Worse from cold. Paralysis of the bladder affeqting the muscles of expulsion resulting in retention of the urine and of the sphincter vesical which causes involuntary urination not even feeling that the stream of urine is passing.Gelsemium
Bed-wetting in patients suffering from headache. It cures bed-wetting when Causticum fails.Pulsatilla
Urine escapes in the first part of the night especially in hot patients, involuntary when coughing. Gentle, changeable disposition, craves to go in the open; dislikes fats; peevish and chilly. Wetting the bed following measles.Sepia
Involuntary urination in yellow sickly girls. Specific for wetting the bed during first sleep. The child wets the bed as soon as she goes to sleep or passes urine within two hours of going to bed.Rhus Tox
Urine escapes when sitting quiet. No difficulty in holding the urine when walking.Bryonia
Dribbing of urine when moving. It flows on walking and relieved only by keeping quiet.Hyoscyamus
Involuntary urination on hearing sound of running water. After typhoid. Involuntary urination during convulsions.Benzoic Acid
Urination involuntary in sleep, the bed that has been wetted several times becomes uncleanable. It smells like intensified urine. Specific gravity low.Alumina
Urine dribbles out involuntarily due to paralysis of the bladder. It is retained and then dribbles out.Kreosote
Involuntary urination during the first part of the night, when it is difficult to wake up the child Owing to too profound a sleep. Patient dreams he is urinating in a decent manner.Equisetum
A remedy for enuresis and dysuria. When wetting the bed is without any tangible cause except habit.Anantherum
Involuntary urination while walking or sleeping.Arsenic Alb
Involuntary urination during pregnancy or after labour (delivery).Aconite N
Involuntary urination with thirst and fear.Calcarea Sul
Enuresis nocturnal. Feels better in cold. Give 30 dilution and then 200.Sulphur
Pale, lean children wilh large abdomen, who love sugar and highly seasoned food. Hate being washed. Constant desire to urinate; a few drops pass involuntarily. Irresistible desire to urinate on seeing water running from a hydrant.Psorinum
An intercurrent remedy when other well selected remedies fail. Enuresis following suppression of eczema or eruptions or after severe acute illness. Patient is chilly and dreads washing. Wetting the bed during full moon.Medorrhinum
Nocturnal enuresis, passing large quantities of pungent smelling urine or scanty or highly coloured, or copious pale urine with pungent odour. Worse during menstruation; dribbling of urine; painful tenesmus of the bladder; severe pain at the conclusion of urination.Lycopodium
Involuntary urination during sleep. Polyuria during night and normal urination during the day time. Craving for sugar and hot drinks.Cina
Urine copious and involuntary with worm symptoms.Sycotum
III-tempered children with fear of the dark, of being left alone; general irritability; twitching of the facial muscles; blinking of the eye lids, oily skin; the pretubercular look; low grade inflammation around the genitals, particularly in females.Ferrum Met
Involuntary urination during motion and whilst playing when it dribbles and keeps the clothing wet. It stoops when at rest.Lac Caninum
Wetting of bed during night. Passing urine in dream which wakes up the patient.Calcarea Carb
Constant urge to pass urine during the day and wetting the bed during the night. Perspires easily; appetite poor. For stout fatty children who drink much.Acid Phos
Involuntary escape of urine, especially on coughing or movement.Cicuta Virosa
Vertigo when trying to rise: objects whirl before the eyes, has to lie down again. Eyes sunken with contracted pupils. Paralysis of bladder, hence involuntary urination.Magnetis Polus Australis
As an intercurrent remedy. Strangury forcing him to empty bladder every half hour; first few drops pass involuntarily, followed gradually by passing more by using abdominal pressure. Involuntary urination during night, detected on awakening.Frequent (See also "polyuria"):
Argentum Nit
Frequent and profuse urination.Nux Vomica
Frequent urination due to indigestion. Give 200 dilution.Vesicaria
Passing urine about thirty times in the night due to nephralgia and cystitis, dribbling of urine. It cures polyuria, dropsy, painful urination, pus, albumin, and blood in urine.Mygale
Increased flow of urine, hot scalding with stinging in urethra.Pulsatilla
Frequent urination. Dribbling of urine on slightest provocation. Has to keep continuosly his mind on it or the urine will escape.Causticum
Frequent urination at night urge to urinate, but it takes a long time before he is able to urinate.Ignatia
Frequent urination after drinking coffee. In hysteria.Sabal Serrulata
Constant desire to pass urine at night. Cystitis, difficult urination, langour, apathetic, indifference, dislikes sympathy, prostatic trouble. Give in mother tincture or lower potencies.Muriatic Acid
Urine too copious, day and night; it escapes when passing wind.Ledum P
Frequent urination; quantity increased or diminished, stream often stops during flow. Itching, redness and discharge of pus.Mercurius Sol
Passes much more urine than the liquid taken; too frequent and too profuse urination.Alumina
Frequent urination which is voided with much straining. He must strain at stool in order to pass urine. Burning with discharge of light yellow pus from urethra.Eryngium
Frequent urination every half hour day and night: scalding urine while urinating: burning during and sometimes after passing urine. Continuous teasing, dribbling of urine drop by drop.Chelidonium
Extremely profuse emission of whitish and foaming urine.Haematuria (Blood in urine):
Blood in urine. Head remedy. Coffee-ground like sediments. Burning and most painful strangury during micturation. Albumin in urine and has odour of violets.Phosphorus
Haematuria, especially in Bright's disease. Pain in region of kidney and liver. Turbid urine with red sediments.Chia. Sulph
Blood in urine without pain or uneasiness.Hamamelis
Blood in urine with dull renal pain.Arnica M
Blood in urine from mechanical injuries.Thlaspi B
Dark blood and thick urine.Ocimum Can
Bloody urine with red sediments.Pulsatilla
Dark coloured bloody urine with suppressed gonorrhoea.Natrom Phos
Urination frequent at night; during perspiration, involuntary during sleep at night. Must wait for urine to start.Staphisagria
Frequent and painful urging to urinate which becomes extremely troublesome in recently marriednervous women.
Alfalfa Q
Frequent and excessive urination with loss of weight and flesh. Loss of appetite; debility.Incontinence (Retention–suppression) (See also "cystitis"):
Suppression of urine after injuries or exertion.Aconite N
Retention of urine in cold whether especially in children who are restless and cry on account of pain.Opium
In children when the retention of urine is due to fright or passion of the nurse. Bladder full. From contraction of sphincter or paralysis of fundus.Cantharis
Urination painful in suppressed gonorrhoea. It is passed drop by drop with burning.Apis Mel
Suppression of urine after exposure or after fever. The patient is drowsy, tending to coma with marked oedema. Retention of urine in nursing babies. Give in IX or 1M dilution.Hyoscyamus
Retention of urine. Bladder distended. Difficult urination, must strain from pressure.Terebinth
Strangury. Tenesmus of the bladder. Scanty, bright coloured or bloody urine. Burning and cutting pain in the bladder. Gonorrhoea pyelitis.Laurocerasus
Suppression of urine on account of paresis, stream feeble; involuntary urination.Ars. Alb
Is indicated for same symptoms as in Apis M. but the Arsenic patient is extremely restless. He is not drowsy and comatose.Petroselinum
Stopping of urine in children after jumping up and down, with pain and screaming. Child unable to pass urine.Cannabis Ind
Burning scalding before, during and after urination. Dribbling, urging and straining but cannot pass a drop.Ruta
Incontinence of urine at night or frequent urination during the day and if she cannot attend, it seems to paralyse the bladder with inability to void any when the opportunity presents itself.Plumbum M
Retention of urine for two days cured in a lady who was also unconscious. Catheter showed no urine in the bladder. The patient had mental symptoms several days before the disease, slowness of thought and conception.Veratrum Alb
Retention of urine in cholera.Hydr. Acid
In cerebro-spinal meningitis.Helleborus
Suppression of urine developing uraemia. Totally unconscious with dilated pupils, insensible to light, uraemic convulsions, urinous odour from the body.Involuntary
(See "enuresis"):
Aconite N
Burning pains in the bladder due to sudden chill. Sharp cutting pains with hot, scalding; bright red urine which contains blood. Straining at the time of urination.Cantharis
Discharge of a few drops of bloody urine and the patient doubles up and screams with pain and dances in the room in agony.Prunus Spinosa
Urine seems to pass as far as glans and then returns and causes pain in urethra. Must press a long time before urine passes.Petroselinum
Pains cause him to shiver and dance in the room in agony.Apis M
In affection of prostate. Dances in the room in agony.Acid Nitric
Carbuncle, a growth on the urinary organ, which is painful and bleeds easily during urination and coitus.Nux Mosch
Pain during urination after full meals.Cannabis Sativa
Pain before and during urination. It may be due to carbuncle (growth on the posterior lip of the meatus urinarius) which may easily bleed.Cannabis Indica
Pain during and after urination.Sarsaparilla
Painful urination, child cries before urine starts.Polyuria (Excessive–see also "diabetes"):
Nux Vomica
When due to indigestion. Urine is passed several times during night. Give in 200 dilution.Uranium Nit
Profuse urination in dyspepsia.Acid Phos
Urine passed in quantity larger than the fluid taken during the last 24 hours.China
Profuse urination due to worms; in bronchitis.Phytolacca
Profuse urination during menses.Ignatia
Profuse urination during nervous headache.Stramonium
Profuse urination withdryness of throat.Equisetum
Clear and light urine passed in excess.Vesicaria
When Uranium Nit. fails.Sanicula
Polyuria with pale or colourless urine, specific gravity 1000: feeling tired out and exhausted; bad taste and no appetite: very thirsty for large quantity of water.Murex
Frequent desire to urimate during day and night, with emission of colourless uirine.Argentum Nit
For frequent wrination with or without diabetes.Medorrhinum
It cures polyiuria when other remedies fail.STRICTURE:
Formed by infiltratiom of corpus spongiosum by coagulable lymph, formation of a sub-mucus collasity, inflammatory.Silicea
Stricture due to an injury to genital organ and leads to pus formation at intervalls.Graphites
Sudden arrest of tine flow, then oozing of snuff coloured mucus in long thneads.Opium
Spasmodic, after drinkiing poorly fermented liquor; also in drunkards.Stramonium
As if urine canmot be passed owing to the narrowness of the passage. Retention of urine.
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