Hair — Falling off
Falling of hair due to dry white scaly dandruff.Graphites
Falling of beard and eyebrows.Sphingurus
Falling of hair especially beard and whiskers.Ustilago M
Baldness due to syphilis. The hair will fall and will not grow.Wiesbaden
By the use of this remedy the hair will grow rapidly and become darker. Give in 200 dilution.Phosphorus
andCalcarea Phos
Falling of hair in bunches, leavingpatches here and there. Try in the given order.Acid Phos
Falling of hair from head, also from eye-brows, eye-lashes and genitals; due to grief.Selenium
Falling of hair from the whole head leaving the scalp smooth and hairless. Falling of hair from eyebrows and face giving a strange appearance.Alumina
Extensive falling of hair of the scalp, parts become entirely denuded. Falling of hair all over thebody including eye-lashes.
Acid Fluor
Falling of hair due to syphilis. The hair are dry, they mat; they split and break. Become ragged in masses and lustreless.Natrum Mur
Falling of flair in pregnancy. Losing hair after chronic headache.Lachesis
Falling of hair during pregnancy.Borax
Hair rough and horny, cannot be combed smooth. Hair tangle at the tips and stick together. If these bunches are cut off, they form again.Pulsatilla
Sensation of hair in eyes.Nitric Acid
Profuse falling of hair, especially of vertex with eruptions. It may be due to syphilis, nervous headaches, debility or emaciation. Scalp sensitive.Vinca Minor
Bald spots with itching of the skin, oozing moisture, matting hair together. Irresistible desire to scratch.Ammon Mur
Falling of hair with dandruff.Mancinella
Falling out of hair after severe acute diseases.Kali Carb
Falling of hair from eye-brows.Rhus Tox
Falling of eye-lashes.Mercurius
Falling of hair due to syphilis.Sulphur
Very unruly hair—sandy, harsh and lusterless growing in every direction.Medorrhinum
Falling of hair with itching of scalp. Better at sea-side.Sepia
Falling of hair during menopause and pregnancy. Losing of hair during headaches. No desire for conjugal relations.
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