Rhus Tox
A routine remedy for herpes with itching, burning and tingling pains which will cure most of the cases and with which the treatment should be started. Barber's itch when tiere is burning or itching.Ranunculus B
Herpes wiih burning, bruised and stitching pains; much itching is the eruptions dry up; the vesicles are of bluish colour. Worse in open air, motion, damp weather, change of veather or temperature. Sensitive to touch and cold air.Arsenicum Alb
Herpes with burning and shooting pain, worse at night, especially from 12 to 4 A.M. The crusts are large and deep which bleed when removed. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.Merc. Sol, Nitric Acid
andNatrum Mur
Herpes of prepuce (Genital organ). Barber's itch. Locally Phytolacca may be applied.Astacus Fl
For chronic form of urticaria. Nettlerash over whole body with itching.Mezereum
Herpes that follow the course of intercostal or supra-orbital nerves, the pain is sharp; lightning like, sometimes boring in character.Cicuta Vir
Barber's itch; trouble due to shaving.Thuja
Herpes everywhere, with excessive neuralgic pain. Eczematous or pustular.Iris Ver
Black type of herpes zoster with eruptions typically eczematous or pustular.Dulcumara
Suppurative herpes due to cold and by living in damp houses.Cantharis
Large blisters with smarting and burning pain. May be given both internally and externally.Prunus Spinosa
Herpes zoster. Dropsy. Itching on tips of fingers, as if frozen.Psorinum
Herpetic eruptions, especially on bends of joints and scalps with itching. Foulness; lack of vital reaction. Eruptions dry, scaly with little pointed vesicles round the reddended edges; worst in cold/warmth of bed.
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