Splitting and Spotted Nails
Antim Crud
Nails brittle, grow out of shape. Horny warts on hands and soles of feet. Dry skin—itching when warm in bed. Very irritable and thickly coated white tongue. Aggravated by heat and cold bathing.Silicea
Affections of finger nails especially if there are white spots on nails. Dry cold feet with sweat. Crippled nails.Alumina
Brittle nails. Gnawing beneath finger nails. Dry skin, chaps easily. Itches when .warm in bed. Skin is brittle on fingers. Constipation.Acid Nitric
Cold blue nails. Warts on hand which bleed on washing. Sensitive to noise, pain and touch.Thuja
Nails soft and brittle; crippled. Brown spots on hands and arms. Greasy skin. Dandruff in hair, perspiration sweetish and strong.Graphites
Nails grow thick, cracked and out of shape. The patient is sad; dispondant; weeps; thinks of nothing but death.Helleborus
Falling of nails with peeling of the skin.Alumina Silicate
Brittling of nails; hands constantly chapped; icy coldness of hands and feet, ulceration about the nails.Acid Flouric
Nails are crippled, lengthwise corrugations in the nails. Nails grow too fast and grow awkwardly, that is they are deformed and crippled, too thick in some places and too thin in others, break easily and brittle.
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