Nux Vom
Better from a nap if allowed to finish it, after sleep in evening, while at rest, in damp wet weather, strong pressure.Arsenic Alb
Better from heat; from head elevated; warm drinks, sweat, lying on back with shoulders raised.Manganum
All the symptoms are better by lying down. His pains, fears, anxiety and restlessness disappear by lying.Bryonia
Better lying on painful, side, pressure, rest, cold things.China
Bending double, hard pressure, open air, warmth.Chamomilla
From being carried, warm wet weather, sweat.Cistus Can
Better after eating.Causticum
Better in damp, wet weather; warmth; heat of bed; bathing.Kali Carb
Better in warm weather though moist; during day, moving about, sitting up in bed.Psorinum
Better from heat, warm clothing, even in summer.Silicea
Warmth, wrapping up head, summer; in wet or humid weather, damp warm weather.Acid Phos
Better from keeping warm, urination.Phosphorus
Better in dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold open air, washing with cold water, sleep.Stramonium
Better from bright light, company, warmth.Conium
Better while fasting; in the dark; from letting limbs hang down; motion and pressure; by putting feet on chair.Sulphur
Better in dry warm weather, lying on right side, from drawing up affected limbs.Natrum Mur
Better in open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on right side, pressure against back, tight clothing, consolation.Lachesis
Better from appearance of discharge, during menses: cool air, must have windows open.Dulcamara
Better from moving about; external warmth.Aranea Diad
Better by smoking tobacco.Pulsatilla
Better open air, must bave windows open, motion, cold application or washing with cold water, bathing, cold food and drinks though not thirsty, midnight until noon, lying with head high.Ledum P
Better from cold, putting feet in icy cold water.Lycopodium
Better by motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on getting cold, from being uncovered.Agaricus
Relief from sleep.Carbo Veg
Better from eructations, from fanning, cold.Colocynthis
Better doubling up, hard pressure, warmth, lying with head bent forward.Secale Cor
Better cold, uncovering, rubbing, stretching out limbs.Alumina
Better in open air; from cold washing; in evening and on alternate days; damp weather.Ignatia
Better while eating, change of position. Swallowing anything solid; hard pressure.Rhus Tox
Better warm dry weather, motion, walking change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out limbs. Restlessness due to pain.Arnica M
Restlessness or uneasiness better by constant movement or by changing position which is due to soreness and not pain.Rhododendron
Better after the storm breaks, warmth and eating.Coca
Better from wine; riding; quick motion in open air.Calcarea Phos
Better in dry warm weather, in summer, dry atmosphere.Magnesia Phos
Better from warmth, bending double, pressure, friction, rubbing.Gelsemium
Better by profuse urination, bending forward; open air, continued motion, stimulants.Colchicum
Better by stooping.Dioscorea
Better standing erect; motion in open air; pressure.Bromium
Better from any motion; exercise; at sea.Juglans Cinera
Better getting heated, exercise, scratching, on rising in morning.Euphorbia Lath
Better by sweat, oil application and closed room.Helonias
Better from doing something (mental diversion).Spigelia
Better lying on right side with head high; inspiring.Cyclamen
Better during menstrual flow; by moving about; rubbing parts; in warm room; lemonade,Anacardium
Better from eating; when lying on sides, from rubbing.Cuprum Met
Better during perspiration, drinking cold water; from sleep.Apis M
Better in open air, uncovering, cold bathing.Argentum Nit
Better from eructations; fresh air; cold, pressure.Hepar Sulph
Better in damp weather, from wrapping head up, from warmth, after eating.
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