Acetic Acid
Diabetes with copious watery urine with or without sugar, great thirst, weakness, pallor and loss of flesh.Lac Vacc. Defl
Copious, watery urine with great thirst; also copious, dense urine. Weakness, anaemia.Arsenicum Brom
An excellent remedy for diabetes with constipation and thirst. Give in IX dilution three drops a dose thrice daily.Thyroidin
An excellent remedy for diabetes melitus when symptoms appear with great rapidity and extreme weakness.Acid Phos
Diabetes in nervous patients. The urine is increased. It is of milky colour and contains much sugar. Great debility and bruised feeling in muscles. Diabetes due to grief, worry and anxiety. Sure cure for diabetes in early stages. There may be boils.Syzygium
It is considered to be very efficacious in diabetes and in blood sugar. Great thirst and passing of urine in large quantities. It is specific. Give in 5 to 10 drop doses of mother tincture every three hours four times daily.Uranium Nit
Diabetes due to defective assimilation. Digestion weak, langour, debility and much sugar in urine. Enormous appetite and thirst. It is highly praised in diabetes originating in dyspepsia. Great thirst, polyuria and dry tongue. Dryness of tongue, violent appetite even when the stomach is full.Argentum Met
Diabetes if accompanied with swollen ankles.Argentum Nit
Excessive urination with sugar in urine.Natrum Mur
Diabetes in gouty persons, with dryness of skin; itch all over the body. Restless. Yawning and dejection, passing urine every hour.Lactic Acid
Diabetes with rheumatism.Thuja
Diabetes in patients who suffered from gonorrhoea; nervousness; sleeplessness; constipation; palpitation of heart at times; sugar in urine.Glycerine
Diabetes with weakness, headache, dyspnoea, sugar in urine with acetone. With or without albumin or casts and with or without rheumatism.Picric Acid
Sugar with intense thirst and copious urination at night.Moschus
Diabetes associated with impotency.Taraxacum
Diabetes with urging to urinate. Copious discharge of urine.Alumen
Diabetes with obstinate constipation. Stools flat and thin, taking a long time to evacuate the bowels fully.Chionanthus Vir
For pre-diabetic state and diabetes in patients suffering from liver disease, great thirst, abundant dark urine with presence of biliary pigments and glucose. Insulin resistant.Aluminium Met
In diabetic coma with drowsiness, incapable of recognising people or answering questions. Constipation but passing of urine off and on involuntarily. Give in 200 dilution.Carbo Animalis
Diabetes in fatty persons with great thirst and passing urine a number of times. Flatulence and constipation present.Arsenic Alb
An excellent remedy but most neglected by the profession in treating diabetes. It has dry brittle scaly skin, dryness of the mouth, tongue and trachea with unquenchable thirst, loss of appetite and constipation. Burning sensation in abdomen extending to the mouth The patient dwindles down to a mere skeleton. He loses strength and sometimes his teeth. The patient is fastidious, wants his clothing neat and clean, wants everything placed in proper place.Cantharis
Diabetes complicated with albuminuria.Carbo Veg
Great dryness in the mouth early morning, excessive thirst and hunger, pain in the liver as if bruised. Sudden weakness and fainting, physical depression and lassitude.Arnica M
When diabetes be due to a blow on the liver.Nux Vom
Diabetes with stupor and vertigo, buzzing in the cars, sleeplessness. All these are due to brain and spinal cord affections.Graphites
Diabetes in broken down, gouty and rheumatic constiutions with emaciation and general debility, twitching of the limbs and paralytic weakness of joints. Uneasy with sleepless nights.Plumbum
Diabetes mellitus with constipation, albumin and casts in urine.Phosphorus
Used in diabetes and pancreatic diseases especially in those of tubercular or gouty diathesis. Restlessness and dryness of mouth. Quantity of urine passed is about 4 to 5 pints in 24 hours. Thirst for cold water.Ratanhia
Scanty urine in diabetes.
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