Head remedy for ailments of dentition. Child is peevish and fretful with greenish and offensive diarrhoea. The gums are red and tender. Screams with pain and refuses food, drink and toys when offered. Wants to be covered.Calcarea Carb
Slowness in teething or where the teething is too rapid. In backward dentition where the gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on fore-head is the leading indication.Calcarea Phos
Suitable in emaciated children with open fontanelles and who are slow in teething and whose teeth decay rapidly owing to deficiency of bone tissues. Diarrhoea during dentition.Colocynth
When a baby bolts his food too rapidly or else seems to dislike it. Windy, tummy pains.Pulsatilla
When the child is gentle, fair type, fearful and only comforted by patting.Tubercuiinum
For emaciate dchildren where development is arrested mentally and physically. Non-appearance of teeth as a result of weakness.Phytolacca
When the child bites the teeth and gums together.Kreosote
An excellent remedy where dentition is painful and difficult, the gums are spongy and painful, the teeth when come out show marks of decay on them. Restlessness and tossing about is also present. Constipation and undigested diarrhoeic stools.Zincum Met
Tendency to press the gums together or gnashing of the teeth during difficult dentition; loosening of the teeth and bleeding gums.
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