Chlorosis (Green Sickness)
Tired anaemic and weakly women with scanty menstural flows lasting for a day or two but coming on too soon. Menses pale fluid or a little leucorrohea. Rawness in the larynx; hoarseness and loss of voice.Ammonia Carb
Anaemic complexion, severe headache with vertigo, frequent vomiting, tongue coated, thirst, poor appetite, menses absent, respiration short, palpitation from every motion, pulse weak and slow.Antim Crud
Frequent headaches; whimsical and angry mood, loss of appetite. Great laziness which forces her to sleep much in daytime. Menses stopped which were regular before. Skin pale and lips and tongue lost their natural colour.Arsenic Alb
It is the head remedy for green sickness; there are tremors, frequent fainting spells, severe physical exhaustion.Cocculus
Green sickness due to abuse of coffee or other narcotic drugs. Suppressed or scanty and irregular menses, leucorrhoea, dyspnoea. Cramps in the chest, sadness, uneasiness. Sensitiveness to open air.Calcarea Carb
A specific for cholorosis with scanty and delayed menses, severe palpitation; heart beat audible over the entire chest. Severe throbbing of temporal arteries. Pressing pain in stomach. Legs tire easily. Oedematous swelling of legs reaching up into thighs. Dyspnoea after taking few steps. Pale, waxy; sickly; pale lips, pale ears, and pale fingers point to the use of this remedy, especially in anaemic girls.Lycopodium
Should be given after favourable action of Calcarea Carb, or when there is complete suppression of menses. Lassitude with trembling of limbs and numbness, drowsiness, melancholy, aversion to company. Falling of hair, desire for sweets.Carbo Veg
Chlorosis with leucorrhoea and scabies. Gums scorbutic, teeth loose.China Off
Chlorosis with oedema of extremities, especially of the soles of feet; blue rings around eyes; bloating of abdomen; constipation with abdominal pains; poor digestion; acid eructations; craving for indigestible things.Ferrum Met
An excellent remedy, for chlorosis when other remedies fail. Iron is always good for chlorosis. Its compounds are also useful. They are Ferrum Sulph. and Ferrum Carb. The Ferrum patients have pale bloated face skin cool; pressure on skin leaves deep impressions, especially around ankle. Exhaustion, tired feeling, weeps easily, no appetite, aversion to food, acidity in stomach. Menses scanty or suppressed.Phosphorus
Chlorosis with suppression of menses, difficulty in breathing, no appetite, frequent daily vomiting, bad disposition. This proved efficacious after Ferrum had failed.Sepia
Cause is always traceable in the sexual system with irritability of various kinds in sexual organs. Painful downward tension in pelvis as if the uterus will come out of the vagina. Twitchings and stitches upward in vagina, at times with discharge of single drop of blood. Swelling of pubic region with burning and mucus discharge. Face pale, wax-like, expression of apathy. Patient is always chilly. Throbbing and buzzing in head. Least exertion causes severe palpitation.Sulphur
As an intercurrent remedy. Treatment may be commenced with this remedy.Pulsatilla
Due to abuse of iron. Metorrhagia. Burning in the ears, heaviness of the legs, dyspnoea, gastralgia. Marked desire for spicy things. Timid or gentle disposition.Nux Vom
Chlorosis due to sedentary habits.Natrum Mur
Respiration suppressed or difficult. Chlorosis of long standing.Ignatia
Chlorosis due to mental emotions, grief, fright and disappointed love.
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