It is the head remedy for aversion to coition and dryness of the vagina arid should be tried first. There is leucorrhoea with constipation.Natrum Mur
For aversion. It is indicated in anaemic women with dry mouth and dry skin. Dryness of the vagina with painful coitus.Hydraslis
Cannot bear the idea of coition. The patient is worse during leucorhoea which is like white of an egg.Ambra Gr
Asthma during coition.Kreosote
Burning, smarting and excoriation in vagina during and after coition; bleeding after coition.Staphisagria
Dyspnoea (loss of breath) towards the end of coition; uterine cancer. Painful coition in women in the early days of married life.Graphites
Aversion to coition; enlarged hard ovaries; tenderness of uterus and ovaries.Cactus
Constriction of vagina during coition.Bromium
Absence of thrill during coition.Pulsatilla
Uterus sensitive to touch during coition.Ferrum Met
Soreness and cutting in vagina during coitionPlatina
Vulva painfully sensitive during coition.Phos
Loss of sensation in vagina during coition.Lycopodium
Violent burning in the vagina during and after coition. Obstinate dryness of the vagina. Bearing down in the groin as if menses would appear.Cedron
Stammering in women after coition.Ambra Grisea
Asthma on attempting coition.ENJOYMENT—ABSENT:
Berberis Vul
Absence of pleasurable sensation during; coition. Stitching in parts.Causticum
Absence of enjoyment with sexual desire too weak.Sepia
Absence of pleasure with aversion to coition.Orgasm (Sensation of pleasure in genital organs):
Easily produced, i.e. scratching of arms produces intolerable sensation of pleasure in genital organs.Berberis Vul
In delayed pleasurable sensation. Also when the pleasurable sensation is absent.Bromium
Pleasurable sensation wanting.Osmium
Absence of usual thrill during ejaculation.
Ferrum Met
Coition painful with bleeding thereafter. Soreness and cutting pain in vagina.Kreosote
Pain during and after coition.Argentum Nit
Pain during coition.Natrum Mur
Pain during sexual intercourse with dryness. of the vagina; a feeling as though stick pressed into the walls of the vagina.Lyssin
Pain with dislike for coition, since child birth.Sepia
Terrible pain during coition with leucofrhoea.Hydrastis
Pain with almost constant desire for sex, especially when she has discharge like the white of an egg.Merc. Cor
Aching pain on pressing or touching of uterus.Berb. Vul
Discharge painful or too late.
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