Prepuce (Foreskin of the penis)
Apis M
Erysipelas after circumcision.INFLAMMATION:
Head remedy. Prepuce swollen as if distended with water along with glans. Fine red eruption, cracks and chaps with burning, biting, itching and pain.Calcarea Carb
Inflammation with yellow pus. The parts are white and not red. Cutting and burning in glans. Prepuce red and inflamed.Corallium
Sore, as if pricked by needles.Hepar Sul
To stop or promote suppuration, it is an excellent remedy.Nitric Acid
Inflammation of inner surface and its margins with suppurating ulcers which are flat. Stinging and tearing pains, worse towards evening and continue whole night disturbing sleep.Aconite N
Crawling and stinging pains in the prepuce and glans; prepuce swollen and inflamed, pinching pain in the glans on urinating.Apis M
Inflammation and great oedema of penis with sharp stinging and burning pains.Arnica M
Inflammatory condition from mechanical injury. Erections after walking.Croton Tig
Inflammation of the inner surface of the prepuce with burning in the glans on urinating. Corrosive itching at the scrotum and glans.Conium
Inflammation of the prepuce with stinging and cutting pains. Tearing pain through the penis when urinating.Rhus Tox
Redness and swelling of the glans penis and prepuce with burning and biting in urethra after urinating.Cinnabaris
Swelling of prepuce with much itching. Warts on the prepuce and fraenum which bleed when touched.ITCHING:
Head remedy for itching.Ignatia
Itching on inner surface.Conium
Itching of prepuce with prostatic discharge on every emotion.Rhus Tox
Voluptuous itching, worse at night.Viola Tr
Itching with swelling.Sarsaparilla
Herpes on prepuce with intolerable itching and discharge. Glans red and inflamed.PHIMOSIS:
Mercurius Iod
An excellent remedy for phimosis.Sulphur
In children with discharge of fetid pus.Hepar Sulph
Discharge of pus, throbbing pain.Cinnabaris
Discharge pus-like, fetid pus (secondary syphilis). Prepuce swollen.Nitric Acid
Phimosis with swelling, syphilitic. It is the head remedy for phimosis.Acetic Acid
Prepuce thickened, fissured, can't be retracted and itches fearfully.Mercurius
Caused by syphilis.Jacaranda
Phimosis with prepuce painful and swollen.Aconite N.
andApis M. Belladonna
Acute inflammatory phimosis. Use in the given order.SWELLING:
Swelling of a large water blister without pain.Rhus Tox
Dark red swelling with pain and burning.Caladium
Swelling along the margins.Merc. Sol
Skin could not be drawn over the glans, copious yellowish green pus when attempting to do so.
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