Bearing down (See also "bearing down" under "pregnancy"):
It is head remedy for bearing down or prolapsus of of the uterus with pressure from back to abdomen. It should be given in high dilutions, viz. 1000 or CM every fortnight. There is pain from back to abdomen causing oppression in breathing. Pot belliedness of mother.Belladonna
As. if everything in the abdomen would come out. It is better by standing.Sabina
Bearing down from lower part of the back, around abdomen and around thighs.Lilium Tig
Is similar to Sepia. It should be tried when Sepia fails. There is bearing down sensation. Feeling as if the contents of pelvis were pushing down through the vagina. Must support vulva with hand. Menses early, scanty, dark, clotted and offensive. Constant urinary flow. Constant desire to pass urine owing to prolapsus of uterus.Arnica M
Prolapsus caused by concussion; cannot walk erect owing to prolapsus.Lachesis
Prolapsus during climacteric period. Flushes of heat. Heat at the top of head, congestion in the head.Helonias
Prolapsus due to heavy uterus. Uterus low down fundus tilted forwards, the finger passes with difficulty between the os and rectum.Murex
Violent bearing down relieved by crossing legs.Frax. Am
It is a uterine tonic in all heavy states of the uterus with prolapsus, bearing down and releasedligaments.
When prolapsus is worse during stool especially during pressure.Agar M
Awfully bearing down pains which are almost intolerable.Aesculus Hip
Inflamed cervix uteri, retroversion, prolapsus, enlargement and induration, when characterized by great tenderness, heat and throbbing.Aurum Met
Prolapsus after lifting heavy weight, worse at menstrual period.Podophyllum
Prolapsus of uterus and vagina due to genera! debility, overlifting and specially following parturition with severe backache and more or less prolapsus of the anus.Argentum Met
The muscles, the broad ligament etc. get relaxed causing prolapsus of the uterus. Cervix congested and indurated with ulcerating and burning and stinging pain. Purulent, ichorus discharges from the uterus.Aloe
Prolapsus of the uterus of long standing. Feeling as if a plug was wedged in between symphysis pubis and os coccys. Labour-like pains in the groins and loins worse when standing. Dragging down of the uterus as if all parts of the pelvis would rush out.Asterias Rubens
Pushing out sensation with twitching in womb.Natrum Hypochloro
Bearing down of pelvis. Uteris waterlogged.Pulsatilla
Bearing down worse by lying.CONSCIOUSNESS:
Consciousness of uterus. Ulceration of the cervix. Prolapsus, dark offensive leucorrhoea, irritable, finds fault with everybody, restless, better when mind and body are employed.CRAMPS:
For cramps with pain in stomach, chest and small back, obliging her to bend double. Worse after eating.Cocculas
Painful pressure in the uterus with pressure and cramps in the chest, restlessnes and fainting, vomiting and vertigo.Conium
Uterine cramps with dizzing in the vulvae, distension of the abdomen and pain in the chest.Magnesia Mur
Uterine cramps with pain extending to thighs and followed by leucorrhoea.Ignatia
Uterine cramps with labour-like pains followed by leucorrhoea.DISPLACEMENT:
Displacement of uterus in full-blooded patients.Podophyllum
Complicated and accompanied with prolapsus of the annus.Sepia
Retroverted uterus, os pressed high against the pubis, fundus low down in the hollow of sacrum.Lilium Tig
Retroverted uterus, fundus against sacrum; os pushed down on pubis, anteversion or retroversion with constipation.Helonias
Displacement low down ; fundus tilted forward, finger passed with difficulty between os and rectum. In weak patients.Nux Vom
Falling of the uterus, hernia of the uterus, anteversion, inversion; bleeding from the womb with inflammation.Sabina
After miscarriage.Arnica M
After blow on the hypogastrium.Mercurius
When due to inflammation of the mucus lining the uterus.DROPSY:
Dropsy due to suppression of menses, leucorrhoea or lochia.Kreosote
When due to cancer.Arsenic Alb
When the cause is unknown and there is restlessness with thirst. Better in warm room or by warm application.Calcarea Carb
These remedies may be tried in the given order when the dropsy is due to polypus.Thuja
Enlarged to twice its size owing to premature labour.Sepia
Cervix becomes broad and thick.Ustilago
Hypertrophy with a soft spongy os and cervix sufficiently dilated to admit finger.Conium
Enlargement of uterus with lancinating pain, induration of ovaries and womb with prolapsus and ulceration of the cervix.Carbo Animalis
Enlargement and induration of uterus with deranged menses, severe pain in back which extends to hips; constipation.Natrum Mur
Thickening of cervix with ulcers on os. In old women.Erosion
(See "ulcers" under "uterus")
Secale Cor
Head remedy for gangrene of the uterus. Give in 30 or 200 dilution. If this fails, try Ars. Alb. 30 and Kresote 30.Gas (flatulence):
Acid Phos
An excellent remedy for removal of gas from the womb. It also cures tympanitis of the uterus.Lycopodium
When foul smelling gas is passed through the vagina.Carbo Veg
These remedies may be tried in the given order, if the above two remedies fail.Induration
(See "ulcers")
Moles (or other foreign bodies like hydatids and sanguineous):
Promotes expulsion of moles from uterus. Try in the given order.Pulsatilla
andSecale. Cor
For moles try in the given order.Nitric Acid
andAcid Phos
For sanguineous and lymphatic concretions. Try in the given order.Calcarea
For hydatids. Try in the given order.Pain (Including Induration, Ulceration, etc.):
Burning, stinging and darting pain in cervix, Lancinating pain. Uterine neuralgia.Pulsatilla
Pain in uterus with amenorrhoea (absence of menses).Lachesis
Pain in uterus which is relieved by the flow of blood. Hard aching pains in ovaries after confinement; d ring menses.Murex
Pain in right side of the uterus going into abdomen, in certain cases crossing the entire body and extending upwards to the left breast.Hypericum
Pairi and tenderness all over the pelvis after operation. Give in 200 dilution,Sumbul
Facial or ovarian neuralgia in women of quick and lively constitution.Lilium Tig
Facial or ovarian neuralgia in women of quick and lively constitution. Sharp pains in ovaries, with bearing down sensation.Platina
Pains in ovaries due to chronic gonorrhoea.Podophyllum
Pains in ovaries with retarded menses, worse from motion, better lying down. From bad liver.Actea Racemosa
Inflammation of the lining membrane of the cervix uteri.Lac Can
Pain in right ovary, better after flow of bright red blood.Lodium
Pain commences in the right ovary and passes down to the uterus.Phosphorus
Pain in left ovary extending down to thighs, during menses.Bryonia
Pain in right ovary running down to thighs, better at rest, worse by motion or touch.Argentum Met
Pain in left ovary with prolapsus of uterus.Hydrocotyle
Shooting, darting, and lancinating pain in vagina.Kreosote
Burning and smarting pain in vagina, worse on rising from sitting position. Vagina swollen.POLYPUS:
Calcarea Carb
Head remedy for expulsion of polypi whether vesicular, fleshy fungus or granular. Frequent bleeeding is also covered by this remedy.Thuja
For fleshy polypi. On uterine cervix with prolapsus and faulty menses which are very irregular, sometimes appearing at long intervals with profuse discharge, but slight bleeding all along.Conium
When the polypi are of stony hardness.Teucrium
May be tried when the above remedies fail.Prolapsus (Sec "bearing down")
Argentum Nitricum
Head remedy for ulcers on os. Bleeding ulcers accompanied with prolapsus; discharge albuminous.Argentum Met
When Argentum Nit. fails, this remedy should be tried. It has ulcers on cervix with bloody discharge which may be due to cancer. Prolapsus.Kreosote
Inveterate ulcers on cervix which bleed easily with fetid acrid discharge. Cervicitis.Carbo An
Malignant ulcers on os with foul discharge and which bleed easily.Conium
Ulcers in uterus with prolapsus.Calendula
It also helps in healing ulcers. It should be given in 30 dilution.Acid Sul
Ulceration of cervix in aged.Ars. Alb
andCarbolic Acid:
Ulceration of cervix with fetid acrid discharge.Alumen
Ulcers or cancer of uterus. The pain makes the coition impossible. Weight of uterus presses down.Anrum Met
Induration and ulceration of the uterus as a result of repeated abortions.
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