Crotalus H
Cancer with haematuria.DISCHARGE:
On every emotion, with itching of prepuce.Nux Vomica, Sepia
Discharge during stool.Kali Bich
During stool in chronic prostitis.Silicea
While straining at stool.Nitric Acid
Discharge after stool.Thuja
When the discharge is greenish and thick.Staphisagria
Prostatic discharge after sexual excesses.ENLARGEMENT:
Suitable medicines for initial inflammatory stage.Spongia
Suitable when there is small stream of urine which is frothy and swelling of testes and spermatic cord.Baryta Carb
Enlargement of prostate gland in old age.Arnica Mont
In traumatic cases where the enlargement is due to injury. Sensation as if bruised and beaten, darting or tingling, with numbness.Thuja
Acute inflammation as from gonorrhoea.Ocimum Can
Haematuria (bloody urine) with prostatic affections or prostatic piles.Conium
Enlargement of prostate gland. Head remedy.Sabal Ser
Chronic or acute enlargement of prostate gland with difficulty in passing urine or burning whilst urinating.Cannabis Ind
Sensation in anal region as if sitting on a ball.Phosphorus
Chronic hypertrophy with prostatic discharge.Solidago
In chronic enlargement. Give 2X dilution.Staphisagria
Frequent urging to urinate with scanty discharge in a thin stream or by drops. Burning during and after urination with urging as if the bladder were not emptied.Pareira
Enlargement of prostate with retention of urine.Iodium
Inflammation of prostate in scrofulous and tubercular persons.Merc. Iod
In cases where suppuration of prostate has occurred.Digitalis
Enlargement of prostate gland with heart trouble. Retention and/or dribbling of urine with enlarged prostate. Dropsy with suppression of urine. Spermatorrhoea. Nightly emissions.
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