Tumors (Cancer, Cysts and Polypus)

(See also "CANCER" under "MISCELLANEOUS")


An excellent remedy for fibroid tumors, especially in uterine wall near fundus. Give in 1000 dilution and repeat every month or three weeks.


Tumor of the breast, hard and painful, nipple retracted. Also for ovarian cancer. Cancer of the mammary gland, worse at night.

Asterias Rub

Cancer of the mammae; hard growth.


Tumor of the mammae; malignant or other­wise.

Kali Iod

Fibroid tumor of the uterus. This remedy may be tried if Pulsatilla fails. Womb ipacked with fibroid tumor, tired sleepy feeling down the limbs, hot burning feet, though sometimes immense shivering all over.


Cancer of the uterus, especially of cervix, with terrible offensiveness and bloody and fetid oozing.


Fibroid tumor in patients who are sad, anxious and loquacious.

Aurum Ars

Cancer of the uterus with increased sexual desire and inflammation of ovaries. Eruptions on the vulva. Menses absent or too copious, acrid and too frequent. Itching of the vulva.

Fraxinus Am


Veratrum Alb

To be given in alternation for fibroid tumors with painful menses. Frax. Am. is to be given at bed time in 10 drops of mother tincture and Ver. Alb. in 30 dilution every morning.

Lapis Aibus

Fibroid tumor of uterus with intense burning pains and profuse debilitating bleeding. Cancer of the uterus.


Chronic cystitis in women. Constant ineffectual desire to urinate; retention of urine with pain in

Trillium Pendulam

Uterine haemorrhage due to fibroids in uterus. Prolapsus with great bearing down. Leucorr-
hoea copious, yellow, stingy.


Tumor or cancer of the mammae with internal itching and bleeding piles. Give 1M or CM one dose at each menstrual period.


Ovarian tumor.

Thlaspi Bursara

Cancer of the uterus accompanied with haemorrhage.


Polypus in vagina.


Ovarian tumor with obstinate constipation. Give in 200 dilution every week.

Kali Carb

Cancer of the womb with severe pain from hip to knee, especially right side. Pain in leg is characteristic to this remedy.


Polypus on the uterine cervix, prolapsus uteri, faulty menstruation. Pain in the uterine region with scanty and burning urine.


Cancer of the mammary gland. Tumor hard of the size of an egg on left breast which increased under Hydrastis and Phytolacca; was checked temporarily by Conium; was cured by Condurango in first dilution.


Strong hard tumors on the breasts.


Cysts in the vagina as large as a pea or an orange projecting from the vagina.


Lumps in breasts from cold, milk coagulates and becomes stingy and thick. Bloody milk in nursing women and others is also cured by this remedy. Lumps and enlarged glands with retracted nipples.

Nux Vom.



Uterine fibroma in hydrogenoid constitutions (The constitution which is full of water and as such the symptoms are worse in wet weather and by drinking water).

Cadmium Met, Cadmium Iod


Cadimum Sulph

For the cancer of the uterus after radium treatment has failed. It may be tried in the given order in CM potency.


Cancer with red streaks. Scrophularia. Nodosites in the breasts.