Ars. Alb
It is the head remedy for influenza. Even if it is given indiscriminately, it cures 95 per cent of cases. Its indications are—restlessness with thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals, sneezing, running from the nose which is thin and acrid. It may be tried in post—influenzal symptoms when Carbo Veg. fails.Sulphur
Is intercurrent remedy which should never be forgotten in the treatment of influenza. If the temperature does not subside within 48 hours, this remedy should be given in 200 dilution empty stomach early in the morning. It may complete the cure or help in the selection of other remedies by clearing up the symptoms. When this remedy is administered, no other medicine should be given for at least 12 hours.Gelsemium
Should be thought of in early stages of flu. It has sneezing, frequent and violent chilliness up and down the back, face flushed, dark red; watery discharge from the nose which is bland (non-irritant). Aching pain in the muscles. No thirst but severe headache. Give IX.Eupatorium Perf
It is indicated in fever with chill followed by vomiting of bile. Shivering runs down the back and spreads to extremities. There is deep pain in the bones relieved by pressure and movement. Thirst, but water tastes saltish or oily. Coryza with sneezing, hoarseness and loose cough. Give 2X dilution. Dryness of the body.Bryonia
It is indicated when flu is complicated with pneumonia. There are shooting pains in muscles which are aggravated (increased) by least movement. Dry hacking cough causing much pain in the lungs and chest. Sweating of the body.Kali Bich
For cough after fever which is not dry. Sticky phlegm which can be drawn into a thread. There is weaknees, ulccration of the mucus membrane of the nose, dryness with pain at the root of the nose and clinkers.Nat. Sulph
It is specific for epidemic influeza.Rhus Tox
Flu with constant chilliness as if cold water was poured over the body or as if the blood ran cold through the veins, with pains in limbs. Restlessness and the patient tosses about which gives relief. The tongue is dry with triangular tip. Hard tickling cough.Dulcamara
One of the best remedies in acute form. Eyes suffused, throat sore; cough hurts due to muscular soreness, brought on by wet or change to cold weather.Causticum
High fever, flushed face, no chilliness, much prostration, could hardly get out of bed. Nose stopped, coryza free, watery. Hoarseness. Dry hacking cough which is persistent. Give one dose of 1M.Carduus M
It is useful for flu when liver is affectedInflnenzinum
It is a nosode and should be given as an intercurrent remedy when other well selected remedies fail to improve the condition. It is given as preventive in epidemic form of flu. It also cures. Treatment may be started with this.Carbo Veg
An excellent remedy for post-influenzal symptoms such as prostration, lack of energy, residual bronchitis, burning in soles of feet as if from a red pepper. Give in 200 potency twice daily.Ammonia Carb
Cough after influenza when Bryonia and other remedies fail. For such a cough Ammonia Carb. should be tried first. Give in 200 potency.Baptisia
In epidemic influenza with besotted countenance, bleary eyes, aching head, sore throat, pains and soreness all over the body and profound prostration. Stupid look with stupor from which it is difficult to arouse the patient.Lycopodium
When literary persons are unable to get to work again after flu; this remedy will cure them.
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