Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina)
Head remedy for scarlatina. Smooth, red and shiny eruptions, hot dry and red throat, very irritable stomach causing nausea and vomitting. High temperature. Acts also as a preventive.Ailanthus Gland
Exceeding acrid coryza. When the regular rash does not come out. Malignant fever, fetid odour from mouth and mse. State of stupor from which it is difficult to arouse. Suppression of natural manifestations. Inability to concentrate, loss of memory, stupor, delirium after suppressed scarlatina.Rhus Tox
Is indicated when in addition to regular scarlatina, there is a vesicular eruption. Drowsiness with muttering delirium. Eruptions slow to appear.Apis Mel
It is only useful when there is oedema with kidney troubles. The skin is mottled, red and white blotches. The face is pale and puffy. Swelling of the throat with sharp stinging pain. Absence of thirst and aggravation from heat should not be over-looked.Lachesis
The blood affection first and the mucus membrane second are prominent. Sloughing ulceration of the throat. Pain in tonsils.Scarlatinum
Should be used as an intercurrent remedy and as preventive for scarlet fever. Use in 200 dilution.
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