Septicaemia (Blood poisoning)
Carbo Veg
Wonderful remedy for septic condition, blood poisoning especially after surgical operations and after shock. Purplish and mottled appearance of the skin.Pyrogen
It is an excellent remedy for septic fever. The bed feels hard, parts lain on feel sore and bruised. Great restlessness, must move constantly. Tongue large, flabby, clean, smooth as if varnished red. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of all proportion to the temperature. Foetus retained or decomposed. Offensive discharge after delivery. Specific for puerperal (after delivery) fever. Weakness and lassitude. Offensive perspiration. Frequent call for urination as fever comes on.Ammonium Carb
Blood-poisoning due to animal bites with zymosis. Tendency to bleeding of black blood which will not co-agulate.Ars. Alb
Septic condition of the blood. Great thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. Great prostration, restlessness, anguish, local and general burning. Putrid discharges.Echinacea
It should be thought of in sepsis due to injuries. Distension of veins which become darker in colour. Great variation in temperature 97° to 105°. Dull aching in head and extremities. Infection spreading from uterus. Tympanitis; sensitive abdomen, putrid foul discharge.Baptisia
Putrid discharges; heat all over; muscular soreness; restlessness; great debility and prostration.Lachesis
The extreme sensitiveness, the blueness of the parts and after sleep aggravation are the main symptoms. Bruised and lacerated wounds call for this remedy. Pyaemia, gangrene, and carbuncles. Scanty putrid discharges.Arnica
Is an excellent remedy for sepsis due to bruises. Tendency to typhoid. Loose stools, foul odours, mental restlessness.Rhus Tox
It is the best prophylactic for cases of surgery. It should be given for 48 hours in 30 dilution every three hours. It will prevent sepsis. Suitable in cases of septicaemia with rheumatic affections. Redness and soreness at point of infection. Chilliness, dry tongue, diarrhoea and restlessness.Anthraxinum
Septic inflammation and ulcerations. Pyaemia, gangrenous carbuncles. Rapid decomposition. Burning pain severer than that of Arsenicum.
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