Is an excellent remedy to be used as preventive and curative. It should be given in mother tincture — one drop a dose.Operculina Tur
When lymphatic glands are enlarged and indurated. Boils and abscesses. Fever is associated with restless, loquacity and delirium.Tarentula Cub
In septic and toxaemia condition. Abscesses with most severe type of inflamation and pain.Arsenicum
Extreme prostration with diarrhoea.Crotalus Hor
Right sided affections. Tendency to haemorrhages. Patient sleeps into his symptoms.Pyrogenium
Septic state with intense restlessness. Horribly offensive discharges whether diarrhoea, vomitting, sweat or breath. Great pain and violent burning in affected parts.Rhus Tox
With typhoid fever, with delirium and fear of being poisoned.Pestinum (Plaguinum)
Should be given as an intercurrent remedy during the course of the disease.Belladonna
During early stages of the disease when there is acute delirium; fever with dry burning heat and shooting pains. Face and eyes glistening.Lachesis
Great restlessness and prostration; sore bruised feeling all over. Eyes yellow.Naja
Is said to be useful in India in bubonic plague and should be given in lieu of Lachesis.Phosphorus
When accompanied with pneumonia.Hydrocyanic Acid
During the stage of collapse.
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